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J: *Woke up because of the alarm clock then turned it off* Hmmm... Babe~ *waking Lisa up.. You need to get ready now. It's almost 11pm now *whispered*
*Stood up and went to Lisa's side* Come on babe~ before Lily wakes up.. *Grabbing Lisa's hand* I'll make you some coffee downstairs..

L: *Stood up sleepily and hugged Jennie for awhile* Hmmm~ Arasso babe.. Thank you.. *Kissed Lily's forehead before going to their room to get ready*


J: *Packing some food for Lisa while she's drinking some coffee* You can eat the food inside the white container babe if you get hungry but make sure to park your car aside, okay?
And you can have this food inside the black box for your breakfast tomorrow.. there's some sliced fruits and some snacks and drinks in this bag..

L: I saw everything you prepared babe.. It's actually too much.. *chuckled* Thank you! I definitely won't get hungry *hugged Jennie*
I have to go now baby.. I already checked the doors and windows.. *get her stuff and the food bag*

J: You're welcome~ Drive safely, okay? Text or call me anytime and if there's something you need.. I'll walk you out.. *headed outside with Lisa*

L: You don't need to go out baby.. Lock the door after I went out okay? *hugged Jennie and kissed her lips* I love you~ Contact me anytime you want.. and kiss Lily good night for me again.. I'll text you when I get there *open the door and went to her car*

J: Arasso.. Be careful! I love you too~ *Closed the door, locked it & went upstairs to sleep beside Lily*

L: *Placed her things then started the car* Good to go~ *Checked their house again then honked the car for Jennie to know she'll already leaving*


Ly: *Woke up and saw her mom hugging her* Mommy~ good morning.. *kissed her*

J: *woke up because of Lily's kisses* Good morning, love *kissed Lily* Wanna have breakfast with me first before we shower?

Ly: Ne~ Where's dada Lisa, mom? *looked around*
J: She already went to *****, love.. Remember, she told you about it yesterday morning?

Ly: Yes mommy~ *sad tone*

J: Hey~ don't be sad.. we'll call her later. But for now, Let's have breakfast first then take a bath so that you can talk to dada longer over the phone..
*carried Lily and grabbed her phone to check Lisa's messages then head downstairs*

L: Good morning, baby. I just got here and I miss you both already😔 I'm now at the first location. I'll eat the food you prepared after I'm done here. I love you! Sending hugs and kisses for the both of you💗 *5:20AM*
Food's delicious babe as usual! Thank you! Tho I wish I could eat together with the both of you. I'll take a rest for a while before going to the second place. I love you both💗 *6:48AM*

J: Good morning, babe! We just woke up. I'll be preparing breakfast now. Lily looked for you earlier and got a bit sad.. but she's fine now she's talking with Jiro, and Chu over the phone. Chaeng's making breakfast as well. We miss you too love.. We'll call you later after we finish here. I know your still asleep right now. Take care, okay? We love you💗 *7:15AM*

J: *Smiled then set aside her phone and started making breakfast* *Suddenly her IPad is ringing* Love answer it please.. that might be momma Chaeng ..

Ly: *Got it and answered* Mommy, its dada Chu and Jiwo oppa.. *went back to her seat and talk to Jisoo*

J: Tell them I said Hi.. *Glanced at Lily while she's talking to Chu and Jiro*

Ly: Ne~ *continued talking thru the phone*

JENLISA ONESHOTS (Mostly w/ Baby)Where stories live. Discover now