Sugar Daddy (?)

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What does a neat and handsome man doing at a private international high school?
Let's find out...


A tall man on his mid 20's had just finish fixing himself and is on the phone while on his way to his car.


"Yes. I already told him."

"That's great. I'll also help there if ever they'll need a hand."

"Don't hesitate to call me as well if you guys need me. I don't have anything to do until tomorrow."

"As it should since it's your day off." The other line chuckled. "You don't need to worry, we got it here so just enjoy your day."

"Still, keep me updated. I just can't leave my patients like that. Besides, I'll be with my family all day. So if there's an emergency, just hit me up."

"Alright good almighty doctor." Laughs again. "I'll call you or they'll page you, probably, if ever. Now go and hang up, I'm still on call today."

"Alright. Be a good boy, Jiro, and do your best or your mom will nag you again." Laughs as well.

"Whatever, dear cousin. Just send my regards to your family while you visit them later. Gotta hang up now, byeee~"

"I'm actually on my way there. Bye doctor Kim. Fighting!" And the line was cut afterwards.

He spent all his morning with his parents until they needed to work early afternoon. He decided to surprise someone since he was left alone in that house.


Jane and her 3 close friends just came out from the principal's office and are on their way out. Her friend Yuna got into a heated debate with a certain group who seemed to be hating Jane and her friends' presence which led to a fight.

Yuju and Sowon got bruises on their arms and hands after attacking the girl who slapped Yuna which left a small cut. While Jane got a headache after the other group grabbed her hair roughly.

Yn: "That stinky face really left a cut on my face huhu it hurts..." Yuna dramatically pats her cheek.

S: "Yah~ I told you let them be. They're just jealous of us maybe."

J: "I still don't get why they are so mad at us. I mean we never did something bad to them." held my head. "My head aches so bad.

S: "Apparently, they got jealous since 'we stole the other's attention away from them' as what my classmates told me. Iean come on! We are just freshmen who are trying to learn something here."

Yj: "Whatever they say... At least we won today hahaha"

The others laughed too even though they got hurt. It was the very first physical fight they got into and it wasn't even them who started it. They are just glad that the principal punished the other group way worst than a vocal apology from them for physically fighting back.

Arriving at the end of the hall, they heard some squealing and murmurs around, especially outside. They got curious as well but decided to focus more on each other's wellness.

After stepping outside, Jane, Yuna, Yuju, and Sowon were about to head out of the school but someone called their friend's attention.

"Hey baby!" The man called.

Their enemy's group who passed by the heard it and snickered. "I knew there's something wrong with you all. But never did I imagine you bitches having a sugar daddy." Charlie, the leader said.

JENLISA ONESHOTS (Mostly w/ Baby)Where stories live. Discover now