Sleepy Mandu

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A surprise visit at Jennie's photoshoot from her wife, Lisa, after a very busy day.


It's 11am and Jennie just got in her car together with her daughter, Ellie. They're outside her daughter's school and are heading to her parent's house to have lunch with them as they also are babysitting their granddaughter for the rest of the day.

After fixing Ellie on her seat, she called Lisa who thankfully answered after two rings.

L: "Hey, love." Lisa said, while Jennie heard something dropped, like a bunch of books.

J: "Hello too, babe. Are you okay? I heard something.." J asked worriedly.

L: "Oh yeah.." Lisa chuckled a little. "I was too excited to answer your call, I clumsily dropped the files I was holding. But don't worry, I'm just inside my office."

This made Jennie giggled, her wife is too cute for her own good.

J: "Be careful, Lili. Well I called to say that me and Ellie are on the way to Eomma's house now. We'll have lunch with them. Too bad she dozed off even before we got in the car. Too tired playing I guess."

L: "That's a bummer. I guess I'll just have to wait until later tonight then. I'm sure she'll have too much fun with your parents to call me." Lisa laughed.
"But I'm happy to hear that you'll have home cooked food for lunch. I'm sure you missed your mom's food."

J: "Yes, I do!" grinned widely even though Lisa can't see her.
"Btw, you still gonna pick me up later? I have a shoot from 1 to 5 or 6pm."

L: "Yes, I will go there right after I'm finish with my meetings today. Though I'm still not sure but probably before 5pm."

J: "Appa also told me that they will drop Ellie at our house around 8 tonight so no need to pick her up."

L: "Alright, I won't hold you up for too long. You both still need to have your lunch. Eat well, yes? And please drive safely, my love."

J: "I will. And you too. Eat the lunch I packed for you. I also asked your PA to reheat it. I'll see you later, baby. I love you."

L: "You're really the best. Thank you, babe. I love you too. See you."

Lisa was glad that she manage to finish office works earlier than she thought. She immediately tidied up and head where Jennie's photoshoot was taking place.

She checked her watch before stepping out of the elevator. It was around 4pm and she was pretty sure that Jennie is still in the middle of her work.

When she entered the set, the staff were on a roll fixing it, she guessed for the next take. People immediately recognized her and was greeted warmly.

Jennie's manager, Ms Park, went to greet her as well. "Good to have you here today, Lisa. Jennie is inside the room, preparing."

L: "Thank you, Ms. Park. I'll just go to her right away if it's alright." smiled politely.

MsP: "Of course. They might take a while there as well. I'll see you both later. I still need to check something."

L: "Thank you." They bowed politely to each other before Lisa went to J's assigned room.

When she entered, she was greeted by her wife's pretty face, trying so hard not to doze off while the staff are fixing her hair.
The staff inside noticed her and greeted her as well. She gladly greet them back.

Lisa ask for a few favors to the staff before she went up in front of Jennie, slowly lifting her chair up and drag it backwards, giving enough space to place another chair in between Jennie and the huge mirror.

She placed a seat in between, sat on it and carefully held Jennie's face who unsuccessful fought her sleepiness away.
It made Jennie flinch and open her eyes abruptly.

She was greeted by Lisa's smile and loving gaze. "Lisa~" the panicky eyes gone and relaxes in a snap.

Lisa gave her a chaste kiss on the lips and a brief hug before Lisa held her face with both hands once again.

L: "Hi... It's okay. It's just me. You can take a nap, I'll hold your face still." She caressed Jennie's cheeks smoothly, trying to ease the tiredness in her wife's face.

J: "Thank you, love. But you don't need to. I'm okay." J smiled kindly and held Lisa's hand on her face.

L: "It's fine. Please don't argue with me bout this, I know you need one. And besides, I love holding you close to me." It melted Jennie's heart and the staffs who heard it blushed.

Jennie smiled at her and mouthed a thank you before closing her eyes once again. She knew Lisa would push even more if she disagrees.

While Jennie was asleep, Lisa went closer to place her elbow on the arm rest of chair to avoid getting it numb.

She kept her focus on her wife, carefully holding her face, caressing as softly as possible from time to time, and fighting the urge to kiss her wife because it might wake her up.

Jennie manage to nap for 20 minutes before she was called for the next shoot. After giving Lisa a thank you kiss, they both went out. Jennie continued with her work while Lisa is on the side watching her with delight all through out the photoshoot.

After more than an hour, they both head home and prepared the food Eomma Kim made Jennie bring for them to share for dinner.

They had a simple yet intimate dinner date inside their home.

A few hours after, they greeted their daughter with hugs and kisses on the front door, head to the living room afterwards, and listened as Ellie kept on telling her parents what she did the whole day. From what happened at school until what they did at the Kim's mansion.

It was a lovely time and they wouldn't have it any other way.

Did not proof read. Apologies for any mistakes.

I'll be glad to hear from you guys.

JENLISA ONESHOTS (Mostly w/ Baby)Where stories live. Discover now