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Ji: *Barged in* LIMARIO WAKE UP! *Jumped on the bed and shakes Lisa*

L: WHAT THE- UNNIE STOP~ *pushing Jisoo away*

Ji: Wake up! It's our time to shine! We got the whole day planned remember? OMG I'M SO EXCITED!

L: I know, okay? What time is it? *looked over the clock on the wall on her left* IT'S STILL TOO EARLY UNNIE! LET ME SLEEP SOME MORE *laid again*

Ji: WHAT? NO! COME ON! Chaeng's already preparing breakfast with Jennie downstairs. My son's even watching tv at the living room!

L: Let Jiro sleep some more then! IT'S NOT EVEN 7AM YET! Why are you even so early?! Call Time's 9! *Jisoo still grabbing me* YAAAAAH STO-

Ly: Dada~ *saw what Jisoo is doing to Lisa* awe you huwt? *worriedly asked while moving closer to Lisa*
Dada Chu, no please.. *about to cry*

Ji: *Panicked* What, no.. I-

L: Hey love~ dada Chu isn't hurting me.. *Sit up then glared to Chu* Come closer, love.. *grabbed Lily then hugged her* She was just waking me up..

Ji: Yes baby~ I was just helping your dada getting up.. I'm sorry.. *rubbed Lily's back*

Ly: *hugged Lisa* I- I thought you wewe fighting.. Mommy said it's bad.. *sniffing*

L: Don't cry baby.. *rubbing her back too* Where's my kiss? Good morning by the way.. *let her face me then smiled while wiping some tears*

Ly: Good mowning, dada~ *Kissed Lisa then went to Jisoo* Good mowning, dada Chu *Kissed her cheek then went back to Lisa*

Ji: Good morning, too Lily.. *Smiled* Please stop crying now.. *kissed her head then mumbled* or you're mom will kill me if she knows..

L: *Heard what Jisoo said then laughed* She will, Chu.. *Stood up then carried Lily*
Let's go downstairs? Momma Chaeng and Jiro Oppa is with Mommy Jennie.. *Starts to walk out*

Ly: Ne~ *Yawned then snuggle closer to Lisa with her hands wrapped around her neck*

Ji: I think She's still sleepy.. *looked at Lily while following Lisa*

L: Maybe you were too noise that she woke up.. *rubbed Lily's back* Just sleep my love.. *whispered to Lily*


J: *Saw Lisa carrying Lily* Good morning, babe.. *walked closer to Lisa then gave her a kiss* You got her up? *Looked at Lily then kissed her head*

L: Uhm... no. She went to our room. apparently woken by some loud excited chicken addict beast.. *glanced at Jisoo* Sorry.. Unnie was tryin to wake me up upstairs.. But I think she fell asleep again while we're heading here.. *rubbing Lily's back after she stirred a bit*

C: I told you to keep it down since Lily is still asleep. *glared at Jisoo*

Ji: You did? Hehe mianhe~ *Sratched her nape*

J: You want some good beating again Chu? I wouldn't mind a bit exercise early in the morning *Looked at Chu*

J: Nah I'm good.. I'll just play with Jiro in the living room.. Bye! *quickly left*

L: *Chuckled then sat while still holding Lily* What are you too cooking? It smells good..

J: Some bacon and pancakes for breakfast and sandwiches, fried chicken, and a few more for our picnic later.. *went to the fridge* Want some milk?

L: Yes please~ thank you.. *Smiled* Woah good thing Chaeng haven't finish everything you both preparing..

C: Yah~ you lucky monkey better thank Lily's there or else I'll throw this spatula I'm holding right now.. *glared at Lisa*

JENLISA ONESHOTS (Mostly w/ Baby)Where stories live. Discover now