Thank you Chef!

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Wherein Lisa, a well-known Master Chef just like his father, takes care of every meal in their household alongside her very own little chef.


It was 7:50am when little Lily woke up, a good 10 minutes before her alarm clock usually rings on weekdays.

She slowly sat up and pat down her messy hair while trying to have a clearer view of her sorrounding.

Her tiny little hands abruptly yanked the comforter off of her after she remembered what day it is today and head to her own bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.


A weekend.

Where Lisa let's her help prepare breakfast since she has no school, no morning rush.

Lily tried to grab her favorite apron which is still hanged but not in it's usually spot inside her walk in closet. She got a bit upset when the hanger got stuck making it harder for her.

So she went to her parent's bedroom knowing that her Momma Lisa would surely be awake by now.

Lily knocked thrice before slowly opening it. She scanned the room but didn't see Lisa.

She slightly panicked knowing that her Momma might be preparing their breakfast already. But knowing Lisa's rule of 'no apron, no cooking', she had no choice but to get hers first.

Lily climbed the bed and leaned on Jennie and cupped her face, trying to wake her up.

"Mum~ mummy, good morning.. wake up, mum." Lily kisses her cheeks and lips when Jennie still didn't open her eyes. "Please mum..".

Jennie slowly opened her eyes and chuckled at her daughter. "Alright I'm awake now.." she kissed her cheeks before continuing, "Good morning baby~".

"Good morning, mum~" she hugged Jennie and said "Thank you for washing my favorite apron yesterday, mom."

"You're welcome, baby." Jennie hugged her back, "I know you'll need it this morning. Momma Lisa must be waiting for you now."

"But I can't reach my apron mom~" she pulled back from the hug and pout at her mom. "You said no more climbing if no adult is watching."

"Oh mianhe, baby~ I forgot to place it on the lower rack." Jennie slowly got up while holding Lily. "Come on~ I'll help you with it."

"Ne~ Thank you, mummy!" She answered happily, clinging to Jennie while they're heading towards her bedroom.

"You're welcome, baby!" Jennie beamed back at her. She place her first on the bed before heading towards the closet to get the apron.

"What do you want for breakfast, mum?" Lily asked while looking at her mother who's helping her wear the apron.

"I'd like some toast today, baby chef... And some eggs please~" she answered, tying the apron securely before grabbing Lily's hairbrush.

"Got it, mum. I'll help momma make some for you." She said enthusiastically while Jennie is brushing her hair.

"I'll look forward to it then." Jennie tied her hair neatly so it won't bother her later. "Alright, you're all set. You can go downstairs now." Jennie softly pat her bum.

"Thank you mummy~" Lily kissed her cheek before rushing towards the door. "I love you, mum!".

"I love you too! And no running especially at the stairs!" Jennie reminded, following Lily outside her room and only head to the master bedroom after Lily disappeared at the staircase.


Lisa was quietly sipping her hot chocolate when she heard small careful steps in the stairs which turned to excited pitter patter of tiny feet in the living room leading to where she is.

"Good morning, momma!" Lily greeted and ran towards Lisa as soon as she saw her.

"Good morning, baby~" She greeted back and put down her mug before Lily reached her. They hugged each other and gave morning kisses before Lisa carried her towards the sink so they can both wash their hands.

"What do you want for breakfast, little chef?" Lisa asked her while helping Lily get her kitchen ladder which helps her to reach the counter tops, sink, and stove.

"Mom would like to have toast and some eggs, momma.. I like those too.. and bacon, please, Chef mom." Lily said and grinned at Lisa.

"Alright, let's cook those.. and let's not forget some soup. Would you like some mushroom soup this time, little chef?" Lisa asked her while getting what they need from the top cabinets.

"Yes Chef~" Lily said, stepping down her stool and head to the other side where they put most of the ingredients.

"Please get the butter and bread, little chef. I'll get the eggs for us." Lisa said, still placing the tools they need on the counter. "Careful with your steps, love~".

"I will, momma~" she grabbed the butter and bread and head to her stool to place the butter on the counter. "What else, momma?"

"Help me grab the other ingredients please, then we'll make the soup first.." Lisa said, already grabbing a bunch of ingredients.

"Today, I'll also teach you how to properly clean the mushroom and I'll help you cut it." Lisa winked at her.

"Okay, momma chef!" Lily's eyes sparkles, eager to learn more from her Momma. "I'll help you carry these." She grabbed the other ingredients from Lisa's hand.

Lisa saw Jennie entered the kitchen, heading to where they are prepping breakfast. "Good morning, my love." She gave Jennie a soft, lingering kiss on the lips.

"Good morning, hun.." They smiled at each other and Jennie gave her a peck on the lips again before moving to where Lisa sat earlier and drank the chocolate drink Lisa didn't finish. "Be careful, chefs. Mummy will keep an eye on you two~"

"Thank you, mum~" Lily gave her a gummy smile while placing the ingredients she was carrying. "We will make mushroom soup too.. I hope you'll like it~"

"I know I will.. You and Momma will make it so I know it will be the best!" Jennie saw how Lily's eyes glimmer.

She knows that their daughter surely loves cooking and would one day, be just like her Momma. A very talented and knowledgeable person in the culinary industry.

Jennie kept an eye on Lisa and Lily, the next thing she saw was her 6 year old daughter is slicing mushrooms. She almost jump in panic. But she always knew and always believe that her wife, Lisa, would never let their daughter get harmed.

So she took a deep breath and observed how the two were so focused on their tasks and smiled at how attentive Lisa always is when it comes to Lily.

30 minutes later, they all cheered as breakfast was already served.

"Bon Appétit..".

"See! I knew these would be delicious! I always believe you both!".

Did not proof read. Apologies for any grammatical errors.


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JENLISA ONESHOTS (Mostly w/ Baby)Where stories live. Discover now