Manners Maketh Man (1)

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"It says a lot about you, it makes you who you are."

Let's unveil how manners are taught and characteristics are built in the Kim-Manoban family.

Jake Kim-Manoban - 8 yrs old, Eldest son
Jane Kim-Manoban - 3 yrs old, Youngest daughter


Jake just woke up and is still blinking the sleepiness away when he noticed the door in his room was carefully closed.

He scanned his room first before he eventually went to his own bathroom to wash his face. He noticed there that his laundry basket is already empty and the bathroom looks much cleaner than it is yesterday.

He went downstairs, directly at the kitchen and saw his mom cooking.

"Good morning, mommy." greeted politely, walking closer to sit on his chair on the table.

"Good morning, baby." Jennie grabbed the milk she prepared and placed it in front of her son. "Did you sleep well?" She asked after kissing his cheeks.

"Thank you mom~, yes I did.." he smiled before he sip his milk.

Jake looked around before facing his mom once again.

"Where's Momma Li, mom?" He asked, curious.

"She already went out to jog, baby. Just some minutes after you came here." Jennie answered, still focusing on the breakfast she's preparing. "Didn't she wake you up? She went to your rooms to get the dirty laundries after all."

"No, mom. But I saw the door closed. So it was momma who closed it hehehe.." Jake giggled softly.

"Yes she did. She's doing both yours and Jane's laundries first and promised to come back after her short run before the washers are done." Jennie giggled as well. "Too bad Kuku was still asleep when he went out."

"Can I take him outside instead, mommy? I saw Kuku walked past the stairs before I entered here." Jake said, trying to peek where their dog is.

"Alright~ just don't go too far from here, I'm almost done cooking, so breakfast will be serve in 20 minutes." Jennie closed the pot where the soup is simmering before walking closer to his son. "And call me when you don't feel safe, okay? I'll be there." She caressed his cheek softly.

"Okay mom, thank you..." Jake grinned, hugging her mom before he hopped of his chair and excitedly looked for Kuma and strapped his leash on.

Few minutes later, Jake and the dog was already outside, walking around their huge backyard before they used the gates on the side to be able to go infront of the house and walk along the quiet neighborhood.

10 minutes later, Jake was already in their front door, unleashing Kuma and cleaning the dog's paws, a house rule before the dog can enter the house again.

But suddenly, just as Jake stood up to open the front door, a woman walking her two dogs passed by sent Kuma running towards them barking.

"Kuma! Come back here!" Jake called the dog to no avail, the dog was already close to the other dogs, sniffing them and fortunately stopped barking.

"I'm sorry, Miss. It's my fault." Jake immediately grabbed Kuma's collar and bowed to the woman.

"It's okay, young man. No one got hurt." The woman smiled at him. "You got a cute little dog there. He's really brave." She chuckled.

"Thank you, miss. His name is Kuma and I'm Jake." Jake answered, smiling. "He is just really excited when he's outside."

"Nice to meet you, Jake and Kuma. I'm Mrs Shin and I live just a few houses from here, the blue and white gates." She pointed the general direction of her house.

"Nice to meet you to, Mrs Shin." Jake bowed politely and smiled.

"We got to go now, Jake, I still need to take my babies and my daughter is waiting in the gardens. I hope we see each other again.. you too Kuma." She smiled and waved.

"Have a nice day, Mrs Shin!" Jake waved back to Mrs Shin and heard her greeted him a good day as well before he went to clean Kuma's paws again before finally entering the house.

During their breakfast, Jake told his parents what happened and they got to talk more about other things before they decided what to do on their weekend as a family.


The following day, Jennie and Lisa went together with their children to visit their dentists. Jake and Jane are sitting on their booster seats on the back while Lisa is driving from them and Jennie beside her, talking to the receptionist of the dental clinic.

"Oppa, I can't open this.." Jane was struggling to open her mini bag. "Oppa, open oppa..." Jane is getting frustrated.

"Please. Say 'Please, oppa.'" Jake corrected her younger sister.

"I'm sorry, oppa." Jane stopped trying and hand it over to her brother. "Please open this, oppa...".

"It's okay now, Jane. Mommy and Momma said to never forget them, right?" Jake smiled at her baby sister and helped her with the bag. "Okay, I'll open this for you."

Jane happily accepted her mini bag after Jake opened it for her. "Thank you, oppa."

"You're welcome." They grinned at each other. Jake watches as her sister grabbed a small plushie out of it and played with it, unaware of their parents glancing at them all this time.

Few minutes later and they finally arrived at the dental clinic. Jake helped Jane place her things back inside her small bag before their parents could get them out of their seats.

"Thank you, Momma,Mommy..." They said simultaneously, each held their mother's hand after they were placed right beside them, starting to walk towards the clinic.

When the receptionist, told them they could already head to their dentist's office, Jake and Jane walked infront of them, hand in hand, already familiar with the place.

The receptionist got a bit alarmed, when Jake pulled a different door open. He and Jane was already a good 15 meters away from them and can't stop him from doing so.

"That's not Dr. Park's offi-" The receptionist got cut off when she saw a wheelchair being wheeled out of the door Jake opened with Jane. "-fice .." she mumbled.

The adults got closer, able to hear the older man and probably his daughter and grandson thank the siblings for what they did.

"You're welcome~" the siblings said, smiling at them. They continue to walked through the hallway after that happened.

Jennie lightly squeezed Lisa's arm she was holding, both have a smile on their faces, proud of what their children had grew out to be.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Park!" The siblings greeted excitedly after they knocked on the glass door, making the dentist laugh.

"Good afternoon, kids! I missed you guys already!" Rosé Park said, the siblings' dentist. "I have good news!" Dr Park said excitedly.

"Really, Dr Park? What is it?!" The siblings asked, excited as well. They are already inside Dr Park's office clinic.

"My wife and kids are coming! They'll be here in a few minutes. You can meet and play!" Dr Park said giddily, too giddy to notice the amusement in the other parents' faces.

Jennie and Lisa already knew how the Dentist adore their kids so much and it always bring them joy and amusement how their kids rub to her, to others in general.

Jennie and Lisa knew and experienced how difficult parenting is. That is why they are thankful that both their children are well mannered and kind hearted. It's all they wished for and worked so hard to achieve.

Did not proof read. Apologies for any grammatical errors.


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