'Mini' Shopping Spree (1)

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Wherein Ellie, Jenlisa's daughter, asked her parents if she can go shop to buy a gift and plan to have mall time with her friends.

Ellie - Jenlisa's daughter
Rué - Chaesoo's son, Ellie's cousin

3rd POV:

Ellie went downstairs and found her mom preparing their dinner. She went closer and sat in a bar stool facing her mom.

"You hungry, baby? Want some light snack?" Jennie asked as she leaned to kiss her daughter's head briefly before reaching some ingredients she needed.

"No, mom. Thank you." Little Ellie answered with a cute smile. "I actually wanna ask you something. Ehee."

"Alright~ what is it, baby?" Jennie asked while stirring the soup slowly.

"Can I please go to the mall tomorrow, mom?" She asked politely. "I'll ask mr. Tom to go with me if it's okay with you."

"Okay, baby. As long as you promise me that you'll keep close to our bodyguard, Arasso?" Jennie looked at Ellie in the eyes to let her daughter know how serious she is. "Because I don't want you to get hurt or lost."

"I promise, mom. Thank you!" Ellie smiled brightly to her mother. "I, uhm uh, was planning to ask my friends as well if they would want to go with me... is that okay, mom?" Ellie asked shyly.

"Of course, baby. That sounds fun!" Jennie smiled at her daughter. "Just always be careful, okay? And I'm sorry if we can't go with you. You already know your dad has contract signing tomorrow and I needed to check the new arrivals at the boutique too."

"It's okay, mom. I won't stay that long at the mall. I will just hang out with them and I'll probably buy some stuff from the Tech Shop that Ruru Oppa always go to."

"Tech Shop? Why? Do you need something? I can ask your uncles to buy it for you if you want since they are the techy nerds in our family." Jennie and Ellie both giggled at it.

"No it's okay, mom. I'll just go there and find something nice for Ruru Oppa since his birthday is close." Ellie answered.

"Oh that's right. You're cousin's birthday is in two weeks. I'll also ask your dad to buy a gift for him when she goes to Busan tomorrow." Jennie said. " Just tell me if you need something okay?"

"Yes mom. Thank you!" Ellie jumped out of her seat and slowly walked out of the kitchen. "I'll go and ask mr. Tom first, mom. I'll be in my room after, I'll send messages to my friends as well."

"Alright sweetie. Dinner is ready in an hour~" Jennie said after checking the oven.

"Okay, mom~" Ellie blew a kiss to her mom before she went out to look for their bodyguard.


40 minutes later, Lisa arrived and they all had dinner together.


Ellie was already tucked on her bed when she heard a few faint knocks before it opened slowly, revealing her dad.

"Yes, dada?" Ellie said confusedly.

"I just wanted an extra good night kiss since I'll probably be home late tomorrow. Is that okay, love?" Lisa asked, her head peeking at the doorway.

"Of course, dad~" Ellie giggled and signed her dad for a hug.

Lisa went in and sat beside her daughter, leaning in for Ellie to give her kisses all over her face and gave her a tight embrace. "Oh my lovely little baby~ my little sunshine~ my little baby Ellie~" Lisa cooed.

"Dadaaa~ I'm a teenager. I'm not little.." Ellie pouted while whining but still hugging her dad.

"You're 11. Still and will always be my little baby Ellie~ you can't change that." Lisa kissed the side of her head. "Even if you're already 20, 37, 55 or whatever age. Okay?"

Ellie laughed at what her dad said. "Okay okay. I'll never win.. I love you, Lili~" she said softly and hugging her dad tightly.

"Oh my sweet love.. I love you too so much. You and your mom. Always remember that." Lisa pulled the hug and caress her daughter's face loving. Ellie gave her a sweet gummy smile, just like her mom's.

"And also, to give you this." She handed her credit card to her daughter. Ellie was confused and was about to ask but Lisa then continued.

"I know you have yours and that mommy and I always tell you to manage your money wisely, but, I want you to buy anything you want and need tomorrow and treat your friends as well. Anything. It's up to you. No limit, just have fun, okay?" Lisa winked.

"Really?" Lisa nodded. "Thank you dada~ " Ellie gave her a brief hug. "I promise I will take care of it. I won't lose it!" Ellie grinned.

"Alright, love. I know I can trust you." Lisa laughed at her daughter's reaction. "And also, if you can, please do buy your mommy Jen's favorite snacks as well? You can buy yours too."

"Arasso~ I got that, dada. Thank you again." Ellie gave her a kiss on her cheeks.

"You should sleep now, love~" Lisa gave her one tight hug and a kiss on her forehead before standing up. "Good night, sweet cheeks. I love you~"

"I love you too, Lili. Good night~" She gave her a soft smile before closing the door gently.


Lisa closed the door and went to lay beside Jennie on their bed. Her wife snuggled closely, Lisa's arm as her pillow, wrapping an arm on her waist and placing her head close to her neck.

"We should sleep now, Hun. You still have an early flight tomorrow." Jennie said softly.

"Arasso~ Thank you for packing my things, Hun." Lisa pecked her lips and head before hugging her closer. "Good night, my lovely wife. Saranghae~"

"I love you too, hun. Good night~" She placed a kiss on Lisa's neck before succumbing to her dream land.

Apologies for any grammatical errors.


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