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Calistas pov

As we peeled into the driveway, I hopped out of the car as quickly as possible. After I ignored Luka the whole way.

He went to open the door to the pack house, but before he could I quickly reached for the handle prying it open with just a roll of my eyes. I heard Luka scoff.

When I looked up there stood an. Older lady with the typical white hair and wrinkles, I could tell from her scent she was also a wolf, although her face had a scar which look like it could've been easily from another wolf.

"Ohhhhh dear! You must be Calista! My son has told me so much about you" she gawked at me.

Son? I thought his mom died?

"Son? I was told by a pack member you had passed away I'm sorry." I said scratching my head. Luka's eyes widened in shock before narrowing in confusion.

"I'm not Lukas's real mother, I'm the one that took him in when his parents died. I'm his aunt. But growing up Luka always looked up to me as his mother so the name stuck" she said with a cheesy smile.

"It only stuck for you, you are not my mom. And we rarely talk Darla" I heard Luka mumble before bringing in the rest of my boxes. What's his issue?

"You're just beautiful for my son and fit to make the perfect luna" she said embracing my cheeks and kissing my forehead.

I heard Luka scoff once more and that set me off.

"Thank you...." I said pausing for her name.

"My names Darla dear" she said leading me to the couch.

"Well thank you Darla, I think I will make a GREAT Luna" I said looking over to Luka with attitude apparent.

Luka just walked up into his office and didn't acknowledge my snappy remark.

"So tell me dear, what pack are you from?" She asked. I tensed at this question.

"Well.. I'm actually a rouge" I said clearing my thoughts in between.

"Oh my! A rouge? Oh, well that's quite unexpected" she said leaning into the couch and dusting her white gown.

"Yeah. I guess so, but I am a Betas daughter" I said trying to recover the conversation from the awkwardness that was clear in the room.

"Ah yes yes a Betas daughter! That's great." She said grabbing her glass of coffee and standing up.

"It was really nice meeting you Calista, I shall say goodbye to my son and part ways" she said smiling down at me.

I stood up and embraced her in a hug.

"Of course, it was nice meeting you too Darla" I said. I walked back to the room and sat on the bed looking at all the boxes I had to unpack still.

While I was unpacking the last box of clothes into my side of the closet I heard a shatter from glass coming from Lukas office.

In fear I quickly made my way down the hallway and went to go into Lukas's office before I heard a shrill voice.

"She's not fit to be Luna Lukas! I'm telling you, she's a rouge!" I heard a familiar voice tell out.

"She will be Darla! And that's my mate your talking about so I'd watch your tongue! You have no say! My mother would've loved her" I heard Luka growl.

Oh... that's what his problem was with her earlier. She's crazy. I mean seriously? Just because I'm a rogue I'm not fit to be Luna? What happened to being a betas daughter?!

My heart swelled realizing that Luka defended me. And he said I will be Luna! I knew he was lying. I listened in again.

"She's nothing Lukas! Nothing! There will be no ceremony, she will not be Luna and distract you from your pack" I heard Darla say lowly. I growled at that.

However, my heart panged in sadness and also anger. My eyes began to water.

"Yes mother" I heard Luka say in an emotionless tone all though 'mother' had past hatred laced in it.

With that the tears began to fall. If I'm nothing here then why am I here?

Tears blurred my eyes as I trudged my way down the stairs and away from the door. I needed to get out of here.

I pulled open the front door and began to run. But just as I left, fleeting off the stairs of the front porch, arms grabbed me and pulled me around the side of the house.

I winced from the pressure and spun around once they pulled me into a spot hidden from others.

"Hey! What the hell-" I stopped dead in my tracks.

Dylan. What could he possibly want now?

"I know Lukas killed Alpha Mark!" He spat trying to keep his voice low. Could it really have been Lukas? He was there when I woke up..

"So what? What is your issue dude! Why do you care so much about another alpha dying under your own alphas account. You are his beta after all?" I said crossing my arms in curiosity.

Seriously? What was this guys obsession.

All of the sudden a sharp pain went into my side and I heaved over in pain falling to the ground.

Darkness overtook me and the last thing I heard was.

"I'll have you know that alpha Mark was my father."

This doesn't make sense. Alpha Burgesty never had a mate or pups? Unless my life really was all a lie.

Hello, it's been awhile since I've posted. A lot of readers do not like the character of Calista because she's "dumb". I understand this, please recognize that I started writing this book many moons ago and although her character was made in a different stage in my life, everyone can grow right? Lol.

Hopefully within the next few chapters you will begin to enjoy Calistas character a little more.

Thank you for your concerns!


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