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Alpha Lukas POV:

She was screaming for me to help her and I was fighting the urge not to rip that alphas head off, but her family was there and I don't want her to be with me anymore. I have worse problems on my hands.

I walked towards the prison with my fists balled. I have to deal with this traitor.

I walked up to the torture cell to see Dylan with a whip, Jace had scars all over his back. He went for another one.

"That's enough" I boomed.

He dropped he whip and unlocked the cage leaving us alone.

"Rouge" I said standing in front of him. His head was dropped and his entire body was relaxed.

"Rouge. Look up now" I spat.

He looked up with some tears in his eyes and a scowl.

"Yes alpha" he said biting his lip to hold the tears. I growled.

"You've always been a pussy. Dylan never cries" I said shaking my head.

"Yes because he has no emotions, after Thalia died, he has no reason to feel anything" I growled at that.

"I suggest you don't say that around him" I closed the cell door. I started walking away.

"You're doing the same to Calista, she may as well be dead to you" I snarled.

"You know nothing. You kidnapped her" I said walking menacingly closer.

"I do know a lot. I know that you can't send her with the Burgesty pack" he said narrowing his eyes.

"And why's that?" I said crossing my arms.

"Because they abused her, her family doesn't care about her. All the alpha wants her for is reproduction of pups because she has Beta blood, and if you take down the Burgesty pack. You'll take down Calista" I stared at him my face softening. 

Oh shit.

Calistas POV:

He shoved me in the back, looking around before he pulled rope out of his center console.

"You're a piece of shit, you dare to cross other territories. I told you to get lost." He said wrapping my hands. I winced as he pulled the bounds tighter.

I was about to say something before he bashed my head against the window and darkness overtook me.


I peeled my eyes open and saw a figure of alpha Burgesty in the drivers seat. I whimpered.

"He never came for us." Alena said.

"Of course he didn't! I told you he was a piece of shit and that we needed to escape! I told you he would never care for us! Yet you told me to give him another chance! You told me to stay! It's your fault we are in this mess! Now stop always putting the pity on yourself! It's never about you! I'm the one hurting!" I cried, hard.

My wolf put her head on her paws.

"I'm sorry Cal" she disappeared.

"Now you're going to leave me again! As always! To fight my battles alone! Again! Ugh I'm so done with you, my wolf should-"

The car jolted to a stop. I looked up and saw houses. The houses I always remembered. The houses that haunted my sleep.

He stepped out of the car and around to my door. He pulled me up and I stumbled, I saw stars cloud my vision before they slowly drifted away. He dragged me by my binds up to his house.

Alpha LukaWhere stories live. Discover now