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Lukas POV:

I have never ran faster before, I ran and I never stopped. I was so stupid, she told me she didn't want to go and I should've listened.

Once I saw the pack line I shifted and changed into some shorts. Sprinting across I jumped of a tree snapping one of the guards necks.

I was panting hard staring at his body as his eyes rolled back. Drool fell from my mouth ferociously.

I ran further in but stopped when I heard voices, I ducked behind a tree.

"And you're sure about this?" I heard one male.

"Positive, his plan to attack has been set for awhile it's just when." I heard another voice which was oddly familiar.

"Go warn the others I have other business to attend to" I heard footsteps padding away while the other ones started to fade off the other direction. I took my chance.

Jumping out I tackled the man to the ground. It happened to be Alpha Burgesty. Pinning him down I growled harshly.

"Where is she?!" I was shaking violently.

"Who?" He asked smiling.

"You know who bastard!" I snarled and bit his neck.

"Ahhhh!! She's dead" He spat wincing.

"You're lying" I pushed his shoulders further into the ground.

"She cut herself head to toe, I watched her. I watched her scream. I watched her die." he said laughing.

"You sick motherfucker!" I ripped out his throat, throwing it off to the distance before falling onto my knees.

I don't know if this is a romance movie, or just a coincidence. But right then and there it began to rain. And I'm glad it did because it covered what I was really doing.

I was crying.

Calistas POV:

My eyes fluttered open, I saw bright lights around me.

Am I in heaven?

'No, you are with me'

An angelic voice whispered, she appeared in the light. She was beautiful, she had long blonde hair that fell in curls all the way down her back. Her eyes were a bright white unlike any I had seen before. Her skin was soft when she grabbed my hand. Warm, and delicate. She had a long white dress that would make her look enticing to most men.

'Who are you?' I asked looking her up and down.

'Calista, I am the moon goddess' I gasped my eyes widening.

'So I really am dead?' I asked almost in a whisper.

'No' she said I gave her a confusing look.

'Well yes, but no' she said with a slight smile.

'I'm confused?' I asked already stating the obvious.

'Calista, killing yourself was not a good choice. That is very frowned upon up here.' She aid first.

'I know but I-' I started

'However I know you have had a difficult life.' She said looking down.

'I realize I gave you a horrible family, a horrible pack, a horrible wolf, and now a horrible mate.' She said fiddling with her fingers.

'But it was all for a purpose. Now is not your time to die Calista.' She said looking at me.

'What?' I asked.

'Everything I have done has been to make you stronger for the coming times, and you are so much stronger Calista, so, I will heal your scars, and I will give you life.'

'But I don't want life if it has to be this way!' I shouted in angst.

'Mark is dead. You have nothing to worry about. Right now' she said in a reassuring yet slightly concerned tone.

'You killed alpha Burgesty??' I said in shock but a little relief.

'No, you will soon find that out. I will tell you something Calista. I don't ever give second chances, but you are special and important. I am giving you a second chance at life but it will never be easy. However, you will learn to find happiness and throughout that will keep you going. Do not forget to stay weary of those around you, not all are to be trusted. And please remember not to relish in the past. But to always move forward, until we meet again Calista' she began to walk away.

'Wait what do you mean I-' the world around me came into view and I was on the floor of the forest again.

Waking up with a gasp it was pouring and I looked around. No one was there except for a kneeling figure. My body had no blood, nor any scars. I was naked.

Standing up I walked towards the silhouette, it was a man he was shaking.

As I walked up, I felt a pull, I touched his shoulder.

He stopped and brought his face out of his hands slowly.

As he stood up, I realized it was Lukas, I pulled my hand away like he was fire.

I looked at him with sadness, and disappointment. As his eyes met mine, I realized he had been crying. Dont relish in the past right?

I touched his cheek. He looked at me with lust, and regret.

Slowly he dragged his fingertips down my body stopping at my hips. He felt every part of my torso, dragging his fingers along my jaw. My wolf purred contently.

"You're alive" he whispered, I nodded softly.

Taking his fingertips to my lips as the rain drops fell of them. Looking at him through my lashes I watched his lips move.

"I'm so sorry Calista" He said softly.


I know I know I'm taking so long to update, I've been a bit busy but my schedule should be opening up a little more. I hope you guys liked this little chapter red.

Do you think things will turn around for Calista and Lukas?

I know I haven't used the description in any of the chapters but I forgot. I am really meaning to!

I love you guys thank you for 3k! Hope you liked chapter 9. As always, many more to come.

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