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Calistas POV

I peeled open my eyes, squinting from the light leaking through the window.


I shot up and looked at my surroundings only to find out I was back at the alpha house. Damnit. I thought we got him.

Where is Jace? I winced as I tried to push myself out of bed.

I walked over to the mirror and pulled up my shirt.

Bruises lined my ribs, and my head was pounding, my toe was a little sore too but not as bad.

He really got me. I growled.

'Alena seriously? Please do something. This effects you too you know'

She lightly growled rolling her eyes.

'If you help me heal I'll try to make things work with Lukas'

She snapped her head up.


I let out a breath

'But you need to talk to me and help me out more if I do, I'm serious. I need you'

She looked at the ground before nodding slightly. I blocked her out and limped over to the door.

I walked around the house until I found a door that had a do not enter sign. So of course I entered.

I locked eyes with Lukas immediately then I looked around the room.

It looked like it was his office. His hair was messy like he had been running his hands through it.

"You're up" He said gruffly.

"Yeah." I said rubbing my arm.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked looking at my injuries.

"Um. Yeah I convinced my wolf to help" I said lifting my shirt a little, which made Lukas growl a little.

I pulled my shirt down and looked at him again.

His eyes held remorse, sorrow, lust, and a little bit of regret.

When he caught me staring he masked it with a hard exterior.

"Well then I can tell mr. Burgesty you are ready to leave" he said standing up from his chair walking over to me.

I stood there with my lips parted as he walked towards me. As soon as I thought he was going to do something he bumped my shoulder and walked out.

Tingles shot through my shoulder but I growled a little in shock. We are really on this again?

'I told you this wouldn't work'

'You need to tell him'

She blocked me out. Tell him what? But I knew exactly what I had to tell him.

I chased after him and heard the front door slam. I raced down the stairs and out the door following his distant figure and wincing with every step.

I was so out of breath "wait" I let out softly.

As he was approaching the pack house my wolf gave me the last bit of strength to catch him.

"Wait!" I yelled out. His figure stopped, and his body went stiff.

"Please." I whispered, but I knew he heard me because he turned around.

"What?" He said harshly.

"I need to talk to you" I said out of breath.

"I'm in the middle of something" he said gruffly crossing his arms

"Can it wait?" He added.

"No. It can't" I said walking towards him, taking a deep breath.

"The Burgesty pack isn't actually my pa-" I started before getting cut off by a voice.

"Calista! How good to see you again" I stood in shock at my old alpha, the one that banned me, the one that abused me.

"Alpha Burgesty" I greeted harshly.

"I was beginning to wonder where you had gone" he said his eyes narrowing.

My wolf whimpered cowering back.

"Yes I just came to tell you she is feeling better, and is ready to go home" Lukas added looking away.

"Ah! Perfect. Thank you for your hospitality Alpha Lukas, we will be on our way" he said walking towards me grabbing my arm.

Lukas narrowed his eyes at his actions before standing up straight crossing his arms. Alpha Burgesty began pulling towards a black suv.

'No!' Alena yelled

"No! No! I don't want to go back!" I yelled tears filling my eyes.

"Please!" He dragged me closer to the car.

"No! Lukas" I yelled looking back to see him walking away.

"Lukas." I said sobbing softly.

He glanced back with a look of sadness and anger before he walked away never looking back. That's supposed to be my mate. My other half. Screw you. Alena growled.

Really short chapter I know! But I'm trying to post more!

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As always, more to come. Be patient loves.

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