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Calista's POV
The whole way back Lukas kept checking to make sure I was ok.

"How are you?" He said throwing a look over his shoulder.

"I'm fine. Again." I said with a sigh.

"Well I'm sorry I'm worried" he said pushing his hand through his hair.

"Can I ask why? Why are you suddenly worried so much about me? You gave me away without a second thought, you hurt me too, and called me names. Why now you change?" I said tears welling in my eyes

He looked at me with shock.

"I-I'm sorry Cal." He looked at the ground

"You're sorry. Ya I know." I said rolling my eyes

"I am. I really am. I didn't want to hurt you, or for you to die" he said looking at a tree a couple yards off.

"Oh it's totally fine!" He crinkled his eyebrows in confusion.

"It's totally fine that you're sorry, and that you never meant to hurt me, even though you did, and that you never meant to take me from my home and throw me in prison, and I'm totally fine with the fact that you treated you're own mate like shit. No one gets a second chance. No one but me.." I said I pushed past him and kept walking


'What alena'

'Remember what the moon goddess said about not to relish in the past and to always move on?'

I stopped walking. I had already forgotten of course but the moon goddess also said to not trust everyone. And to be happy?

'She wasn't being specific Alena I need to always be weary.' I replied before slowly turning back around.

"Lukas?" I said seeing him shudder as I said that.

I felt a spark on my shoulder as he placed his hand on it. I will always be weary and I will never trust him. But the moon goddess said she was making me stronger. It has to be involved with his pack. It doesn't hurt to try.

"Yes Calista?" He whispered from beside me.

The way he said my name also made me shiver in delight.

"Promise?" I said not really knowing what he was promising to, maybe that I can trust him?

"I promise." He replied, somehow seeing to know.

"Ok. Take me to your home" he smiled when I said home.

Lukas POV

The walk home was long and treacherous. The ground was soft from the rain and the trees were dripping wet.

I peeked over at Calista and noticed her body shaking and her teeth chattering. Although there was nothing I could do. We were both bare from head to toe.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and put my other arm behind her legs carrying her bridesmaid style. She gasped a little at the action but immediately sunk into my arms.

*30 minutes later*

I will admit my arms were a bit tired, but she was peacefully sleeping and we were only a half mile from home so I continued.

I left the burgesty pack alphaless, but I really don't care. I plan on going back soon to finish the job, but we both have our own issues right now. And mine was keeping Cali safe, and putting her into my home.

I can't believe how easy I can just change for her. But I can't resist her soft blue eyes, and how hurt they were. I regretted every little thing I did to her, and I really thought I was doing what was best for her.

I saw the pack boundary lines and decided to wake her up.

"Calista" I shook her a little "Cali" I watched her eyes flutter open.

"Oh jeez!" She yelled "you must've been carrying me for miles!" She hopped out of my arms and dusted rubbed her eyes.

"Really it was no problem, you needed the sleep" I said eyeing the border we came up on.

I growled a little before grabbing Calista's arm and pulling her behind me. I heard her whimper a little bit and I immediately let go of her arm. I turned to face her scanning her body.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just. You're bare. And there are horny males with no mates" I said holding her cheeks.

"Right" she said looking down.

"I'm sorry for this" I said, before she could answer I beat hugged her and put the front of her against mine and covered her butt with my hands.

She yelped a little before resting her head against my shoulder. My wolf purred in content.

'Clear the north side border as much as possible' I mind linked. 'And hurry!' I snarled.

I need to make things work for her. I need her in my life. But what would I do with jace? What about Dylan? Too much on my mind right now. I just needed to get home. I marched my way down the path and to my house.

OMGGGG! Did you guys miss me? I have been nothing but busy this year, and all this stuff with the pandemic was crazy!

I hope you guys are pleased with my update, and things are starting to work out between Luka and Calista!

Love you guys, I'll try to post more.


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