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After work was done I said goodbye to Parker, he wanted to hang out but I really wasn't in the mood, especially from earlier.

I just decided to take a long hot shower when I got home.

Taking a big sigh I turned on my car warming my hands in front of the heater again.

I pulled down the road before coming for a stop in a TON of traffic, I really didn't want to wait.

I pulled off an exit and took a bit of a detour down a road lined with trees.

My phone buzzed quick lighting up with a text from Parker.

'Offer still stands, it will be fine live a little xo'

I sighed before going to type a reply.

Suddenly, Bright lights flooded my vision I snapped my head to the right before a car slammed into my side.

My head bashed against the window and I could feel the warm blood pool from my head. My car flipped multiple times, the glass cutting my legs and arms. The car finally jolted one last time, but throwing me through the front of the windshield making me get thrown across the ground making me hit the back of my head in the process.

The last thing I remember was feet before I blacked out, I needed my wolf more than anything right now.

Kyans POV

"Are we sure she is ok?" I asked hesitantly.

"Shut up Kyan this was orders from the alpha" Beta Dylan quickly ordered.

This girl, or rouge that we had hit looks badly injured, but her wolf should be healing her by now, alpha said to bring her back, hopefully she isn't dead.

Dylan picked her up and tossed her in the back of our pickup.

Whoever this girl was, was far too close to boundaries being a rouge. Alpha didn't like that so we are ordered to throw her in the prison for "further notice."

We checked to make sure everything was clear before turning to get in the truck, before getting in I noticed a light. I walked towards it and saw a phone, which must've been hers. The phone read someone named Parker texting her about an offer telling her to live a little. I growled at this hoping this wasn't a threat.

"Kyan!" Yelled Beta Dylan "lets go!" He ordered. I quickly slipped the phone into my pocket before getting into the truck, driving further towards the pack.

Calistas POV

I slowly peeled open my eyes before quickly snapping them shut, bringing my hand to my head groaning.

I let out a slight whimper looking towards my swollen ankle, before taking in my surroundings.

It was a cold wet cell, which was very dark. My hands were above me chained to the wall. It smelt like rotting flesh and blood, I grimaced at the scent.

"Hello?" I cried out, I pulled at my chains but winced when I noticed they were made of silver, a werewolf pack got me. I bet you it was the ones at the diner. I'm in deep shit. I'm in deep shit. I hesitantly reached out to my wolf..

'Alena? Listen I know it's been awhile but please I need you. I'm sorry I know you haven't been out in awhile and that's my fault. I know what my parents did was wrong, but we made due. I still need you, I need your help.' I began to cry.

'Alena?' I whimpered

'Please' I whispered again.

No answer. I sobbed some more until I abruptly stopped my lips quivering, and my heart beat quickened while I heard someone unlocking my cell, stepping in.

"Help!" I yelled "Over here!"

The man began to chuckle "no one is going to help you, rouge" he spat. He stepped into the light and I recognized him as the man from the restaurant.

"What do you want from me? I don't even know if I'm a rouge my wolf doesn't talk to me anymore! She's, she's gone." I yelled out.

"How are we supposed to believe a rouge? You could be lying" he said cautiously.

"I'm. I'm not!" I yelled out in a matter of fact voice.

"That's exactly what a rouge trying to kill us would say" he said obviously.

"No! No! No! You've got it all wrong! My parents kicked me out almost 3 years ago my wolf hasn't talked to me since! I wasn't even near your pack! I woul-" I began to ramble about before he cut me off.

He smacked me once which burned making me squeal out in pain "Shut up! Shut up! I can't deal with you right now I'll just get the alpha to deal with you" he said with venom before walking out and slamming my cage.

Continuous sobs racked out of me, I didn't know what to do because they didn't believe me.

I was afraid. I was afraid of what is to happen. I'm afraid of death. But most of all I'm afraid of their alpha.

Hey guys! Second chapter is kind of short but I'll try to make the next one longer.

Also want to hear your thoughts! How do you feel about Kyan, and Dylan? Lemme know!

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter many more to come!
Xoxo, Lilia

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