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Lukas POV

Darla is crazy if she thinks Calista isn't fit to be Luna. I know she is. I just need to think about her safety first. Taking on Luna is a dangerous role. I need her to be ready. Maybe it's time for some training.

I left my office in frustration after dealing with my mother, my hair tossed from running my hand through it countless times.

I followed Calistas faint scent into the bedroom. I frowned recognizing she was no where to be found.

I trailed my way into the movie theatre, kitchen, living room, and library. Calistas scent was no where. I began to panic.

'Dylan, have you seen Calista anywhere?'

I mind linked Dylan but all connections where cut off. I growled.

'We are his alpha how dare he ignore us!' My wolf growled.

I ripped off my shirt, ran out the front door and shifted into my wolf. I searched everywhere for Cals scent. She's out here somewhere. Did she seriously run again?? I need to know she's okay.

I need to.
Calistas POV

I blinked my eyes open and winced at the light shining into my eyes through the bars of some sort of cellar.

Where the hell am I? And what happened? Oh yeah, Dylan happened.

I looked down at my wrists which were tied to my ankles putting me in an uncomfortable position.

I whimpered as I tried to wiggle my hands free from the silver laced cuffs. Will Lukas come for me? Does he even know I'm gone?

I pushed my thought of my mate aside and slipped my hand out of the remaining loop.

Standing up as steadily as possible, without falling over, I hopped over to the barred windows to try and get some idea of my surroundings.

Burgesty pack prison. It's far enough from living grounds for screams to not be heard. There's no way I can escape.

A loud door opening and slamming caught my attention. I immediately hopped back over to my place on the floor and slipped my hands back into the bounds wincing slightly at the silver.

Footsteps trailed all the way and stopped in front of my cell.

"You're awake" a voice boomed. Obviously being that of Dylan.

"Why are you doing this? I didn't kill your father" I said, my voice croaking from dehydration.

"Because your precious mate did. My dad was all I had left, and now I must take from him what he has left" he said with a sinister grin.

"You're disgusting. Besides. You have the wrong person. Luka does not love me, he doesn't even want me to be Luna. If anything you should've taken Darla. Thats his mother now after all." I said looking down.

He slammed the bars and grabbed them with his hands. His jaw ticking distinctly.

"I didn't ask for a fucking sob story! He's your mate. He will feel as I felt looking into my fathers lifeless eyes" he said with despair.

"I didn't ask for a sob story either" I said under my breath.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He said unlocking the cage that contained me and stepping in.

"You're just asking to get killed" he said stepping menacingly closer. I scooted away.

"I'm just saying. You've gone insane! You were Beta and now you're what? Drowning in never ending vengeance for your piece of shit father?" I said in anger.

I couldn't help myself. My wolf and I are seething in anger over the fact that there's any remorse for that rapists death.

Dylan stormed over pulled me up by my bounds and hung me on a hook on the ceiling like it was nothing. I cried out.

"You just don't stop do you? You asked for it." He gave me one blow to my stomach leaving me in a coughing fit.

Many blows later and I was heaving in pain. Blood was dripping from my mouth, nose, and head, I began to lose consciousness.

He hit me again this time cracking a rib. Another blow like that and I'm a goner. I have to suck up to him in order to keep my life.

"P-pl-please stop. I'm s- sorry about your father he was a great alpha" I croaked out barely.

"Save me the bullshit. I know he wasn't a good alpha. He didn't even want me to be next alpha in line he chose my twin brother. That's why I fled and joined Lukas pack. My father reached out to me when he came to collect you and informed me of my brothers death and told me I was next in line for the throne. That's when our planning begun." He said dipping a cloth in silverbane.

"Planning?" I said in confusion. I eyed the cloth wearily.

"To take over the pack of all packs of course. Lukas. But you little missy got in the way of that. Now my fathers dead. That won't stop me from taking what's rightfully mine." He said bringing the cloth up to my mouth.

"I do agree it's rightfully yours but please! I-" he shoved the rag into my mouth and I coughed into it over in over again trying to find any air at all.

"Shut up. I'm tired of the questions and all the talking. Where's the whimpering?" He said scratching down my chest. Ripping my clothes in half with his claws.

I whimpered out in pain. A growl cracked across the prison. I swear I saw Dylan twitch in fear. Luka is here.

He took a knife and cut my bounds. I fell to the ground and curled up instantly.

"Don't move." He said. And with that he swung open the cell door and shut it with nothing but a knife in hand.

I heard bones cracking and snarling but I couldn't see any bloodshed. All I could do was drift away. But before I did I saw a silhouette walking towards me.

"No. Don't." And with that I passed out.
Will be posting another chapter tonight! Stay tuned.
I wanted Dylan's death to be quick because to me at this point he is a pointless character and I just wasn't him gone! Sorry if there wasn't much detail.


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