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Calistas POV

I blinked open my eyes and noticed I was in a hospital room. What happened?

I looked down and my wrists had a red marks around them. Suddenly it all came back.

Lukas must have won that fight. Looking over I was grateful for the glass of water sitting on the nightstand. I chugged it down at once before sighing in satisfaction.

The sound of a toilet flushing caught my attention and my head snapped to the bathroom door as it opened.

Lukas's tallchiseled body stepped out and stopped in the threshold.

"Callie. You're awake" he rushed over to me, relief, happiness, and confliction twitched in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" I said touching his hand.

"Am I okay? Are you kidding Calista you're in the hospital." He said grabbing my head and pulling it into his chest.

"But you seem conflicted" I said pulling away.

"I'm just shocked I guess." He said running his hand through his hair.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Dylan was my bestfriend and 2nd in command. I would never expect him to do anything like this especially to his future Luna." He said shaking his head.

My stomach fluttered at his words. 'Future Luna' I liked the sound of that.

I smiled lightly and replied, "he wasn't doing it to me" I said, my eyes darting around the room.

Lukas looked up at me with his eyebrows knit in confusion.

"I'm pretty sure he did it to you Cali. Look at you" he said guilt evident in his eyes.

"He was doing it to you Luka, because you killed alpha Burgesty" I said finally meeting his vision.

"That's ridiculous why would he care if-" I cut him off knowing what he was going to say.

"Alpha Burgesty was his father." I said watching his expression change.

We left it at that and didn't speak of neither alpha Burgesty nor Dylan again that night. Instead he cuddled next to me in my hospital bed and embraced me lovingly.

His warmth calmed me down and almost felt like it was healing me.

"So future Luna huh?" I said nudging him.

"We will talk about it later" he said curtly before pushing my head further into his chest and drifting off to sleep.
The next day

I opened my eyes and saw the sun through the blinds reminding me that it's early. I sighed realizing that once again, Lukas presence is no where to be found.

Knowing I'm getting discharged today, I walked into the bathroom in my hospital room and stripped out of the gown before running a hot shower.

I left the water pour down my skin. It felt reliving feeling all of the past wash off of my body.

Changing into a new pair of clothes Luka brought for me, I sat down in my hospital bed waiting for the doctor to return so I can finally leave.

As I walked out of the hospital I saw a black car waiting out front, the window rolled down.

Kyan! He's definitely the sweetest pack member here. I could definitely get along with him.

I slipped into the front seat of the black SUV and turned towards Kyans twinkling face.

"How are you?" he hummed.

"Feeling great. Better now" I said with a giggle

"So what the hell? Why were you in the hospital?" He said with a concerned face.

"Lukas didn't tell you?" I said in confusion.

"No all he told me was to take you back to the pack house and don't let you out of my sight." He said curling his lips in.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you while we are on our way back" I said. And with that we drove off.

A long story and an hour drive later we finally arrive back to the pack house and I don't think I've ever been more relived to be home, however the house looks different.

The windows are covered in metal covers and the doors have about 5 different pad locks. I look over to kade as we are walking up to the house.

"What happened here?" I said eyeing the door.

"Alpha has been working us like crazy lately. He's so on edge I guess after what happened with you, now that I know. He's been upgrading all of our security systems as well as recruiting pack members. It's all to keep you safe" he said opening the door for me.

"Why can't he just keep me safe himself?" I said in slight annoyance.

"He's an alpha. He's a busy man, but when he figures this whole mate thing out he will come around I promise" he said meeting me at the door to my bedroom. I turned around to face him.

"Well this is my stop. I think I'm just going to take a nap. Thank you for all your help Kyan, really." I smiled at him before departing into my room.

Luka completely took the balcony out and we have one window in our room that is covered with metal. I have a feeling I'm going to be feeling like a prisoner these next couple of months..

I caught a strong scent and realized Lukas has finally returned. I need to talk to him. About everything.
I posted as much as I could tonight. No promises on when the next chapter will be out. I have a busy couple of months ahead of me, I will try to post when I can.

Thank you to the real ones <3


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