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Calistas POV:
I sat on the edge of the bed and watched closely as Lukas shuffled through various drawers finding shorts and a tshirt to put on.

I sighed loudly because he hasn't even acknowledged my presence. He didn't even look up as he held one sock up to the other looking for a match.

"I'm glad you're getting comfortable you've been so worked up lately and I'm finally home" I said cheerfully.

"No I'm never going to get comfortable Cal. What happened wasn't preventable and that's scary. I can't trust and I can't let my guard down. Im going to training." He said curtly and turned to walk out the door. That reminds me of what the moon goddess said..

I scoffed "no. Hell no. You don't get to just leave me here again." I said shaking my head back and forth. He stopped a few feet from the door.

"Calista we talked about this. I'm an alpha I have a duty to uphold" he said turning around running his hand over his face.

"No Lukas we haven't talked about this. That's what I'm trying to do with you but you can't even give me the time of day!" I yelled tears forming in my eyes.

"This is all for fucking you! Everything I'm doing is for you! How could you be so fucking selfish to say I don't give you the time of day! I spend every fucking day wondering what better ways to keep you safe Calista don't argue!" He yelled grabbing the end of the bed madly. I flinched.

The tears escaped from my eyes as I looked towards the wall covering my face from his vision, but I knew he could feel it either way. Somehow covering it up makes it feel like it's not happening. But it is.

I took a deep breath and looked to him "what can I do" I said confidently while wiping my cheeks.

"Nothing Cal. The pack and I have it covered I just need you to stay safe." He said with a slightly lighter tone.

"I'll only ever be safe with you!" I said in frustration.

"Don't you get that? That's how this happened in the first place. You weren't here and he took me!" I yelled standing up to meet his tall stance. I know this hurt him because I felt the pang on my own heart, but how else am I going to get him to understand.

"Calista. This happened because I wasn't doing enough to keep you sa-" I cut him off and put my finger in his face.

"BULLSHIT" I grabbed my coat off of the rack in our room and stormed out. Well tried to.

Lukas hand wrapped around my wrist and he pulled me back to the bed throwing me down.

"Sit down! Damn it Cal! You're not fucking leaving you're staying right here and that's a damn order. I will have 5 men outside of this room in 30 seconds so when I leave, don't even think about it. Now I've had enough I'm going to training." He said dismissively turning to leave again.

"Fuck you! I hate you! You've done nothing but hurt me! You try to protect me but it's bullshit I'm a prisoner! You don't really love me!" By that last line I was sobbing on my knees. The pain I was feeling mixed with the pain he was feeling from my words was too immense the rest of my words got caught in my throat.

Eventually I couldn't muster anything but to lay on the floor and let myself drift asleep.

I just want to prove myself.

Lukas POV:

My wolf cried and thrashed at my mates words. They were knifes to the heart. It didn't matter. I have to do what's safest for her. She can't die like everyone else. She's all I have.

"Bro I'm gonna kick your ass in weapon combat today" Kyan sneered walking up beside me as I was wrapping my hands.

"We aren't doing weapon combat today." I said sternly still distressed from not being close to Calista. Especially knowing she's hurting.

"What the hell why? That's my favorite we do it every training sesh" he said in a duh tone.

"I don't give a fuck Kyan you learn to fight with your hands and you better be the best damn fighter I've ever seen you hear me?" I said looking at him sternly so he knew I was serious.

"Wow. Maybe you should stop eating cheerios" he said under his breath.

I shook my head and prepared all of my warriors for hand to hand combat.

"Alright listen!" My voice boomed over the hundreds of pack members I had accumulated over these past 3 weeks, most of them from Burgesty pack.

"Today we do hand to hand combat and hand to hand combat only you hear me!" I yelled. My voice scattered about.

"You don't stop until you see blood!" I yelled. I scanned the crowd and my eyes stopped on a man who was snickering to his friend.

"You" he stopped and looked up pointing at himself for confirmation. I nodded my head.

He approached me bowing his head since my power was skyrocketing from the anger I felt.

"Tell me. What's so funny?" I said so simply it was taunting.

"N-nothing alpha" he said looking anywhere but me.

"Don't lie to me!" I yelled.

"I I don't know alpha! I just don't think drawing a little bit of blood from someone will make us stronger" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh? And what will?" I said my eyes turning deeper by the second.

"I don't know alpha" He said looking at his hands.

"So this" I swung and cracked his jaw "won't make you stronger?" I finished.

"This" I landed another blow to his cheek "won't make you a better warrior?" I said walking closer as he stepped back holding his jaw.

"This" I said landing another one to his jaw. At this point he was bleeding all over his face it was hard to recognize the man before "won't help you when you are protecting the people you love?!" I yelled, my voice growing louder.

He grabbed his jaw again fixing it "p please alpha I mean no disrespect" he said almost a chuckle in his voice.

All of the sudden I saw complete red. "Stop." Blow. "Fucking" another blow. "laughing" another. His face started to morph into alpha Burgesty and my punches started to land harder.

Everyone around stared in shock at the sight.

As I saw Burgesty my rage was off the charts. "You hurt her! You raped her! You will never protect her the way I can. Nobody can!" I yelled each blow worse then the previous. Tears fell from my eyes, spitting with venom after every word. The man was basically dead under my arms when a loud scream echoed through the air.

"STOP!" My back tensed and as I heaved in and out looking for the source of the noise.

My eyes stopped on a figure standing in the front row of the crowd. Calista. Her eyes held so much fear. My face softened. I looked down at the man and back to Cal. I didn't even realize what I just did until it was done. I'm a complete monster and the worst part is... I'm not the only one that thinks it.

This book has potential for lots of fun twists so I'm back for more writing things are just getting juicy.


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