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Lukas POV

I peeled open my eyes after being shook awake.

"Alpha!" I heard Kyan yell.

"What happened?" I asked holding my head.

"Not sure, Beta Dylan told me to tell you the Burgesty pack was here because you weren't answering on mindlink, I found you passed out which by the way I don't think this floor is too comfortable" he said looking around.

I growled slightly "I wasn't sleeping, I was knocked out smart one"

"Oh" he said furrowing his eyebrows.

The memories came flowing back to me. Me having a Jace by the neck ready to snap it, and my own mate hitting me in the back of the head. My wolf growled.

"Has anyone crossed the boundary yet" I said shooting up.

"Uh yeah." He said in a duh tone.

"Who?!" I growled out.

"The Burgesty pack alpha" he said submissively.

"Anyone else?" I said

"No alpha" he repeated

"Then she couldn't have gotten far" I said walking out of the prison cell.

"May I ask who alpha?" I stopped and turned around looking him right in the eyes.

"My mate" I spat, and with that I marched out of the prison shifting into my wolf and sprinting off into the woods.

Calistas POV

"Uh Jace? Do you even know where you're going?" I asked looking around the thick brush.

"No, but I do know that if we keep walking straight we'll hit boundary lines" he said dodging some trees.

"There is no way his pack is this big we've been walking for almost an hour" I said sitting on a stump folding my arms.

"Calista they've probably already warned pack warriors, we need to hurry" he said stopping to grab my arm.

"No I just don't get it" I said confused.

"We probably took the east side which has a lot more woods, and it's longer they are expanding this side" he said knowingly.

"That makes sense, but what doesn't make sense is how you know all this?" I asked him curiously.

"Doesn't matter." He said again dodging some more trees.

"Jace I wan-" I got cut off by a branch snapping in the distance, Jace growled slightly stepping in front of me.

We saw a deer off to the distance hopping some fallen trees. I let out a shaky breath.

"Let's hurry" he said continuing his walking.

"Jace if I'm going to trust you I need to know you, can you at least explain yourself?" I said.

He let out a sigh.

"Okay." He said looking towards the ground "I was apart of the Ryne pack a long time ago" he said closing his eyes before opening them again.

"You were?? Why were they holding you up?" I said with a concerned look on my face.

"It's a long story.. but I can keep it short" he said again before continuing "the Ryne pack was like any other pack, everyone was basically equal, well in the alphas eyes. Alpha Lukas was good to everyone, he was waiting to find you. He wouldn't even look at another girl. Then the Forn pack attacked, killing his mother. Which then led to his father's suicide." I gasped a little with tears threatening to spill.

"I was Lukas's Beta, we were best friends. Essentially Lukas thought that if he had a mate, she would die and he would be forced to kill himself, leaving his pack defenseless. He didn't want to be labeled weak." He said climbing a tree swinging from a branch before landing on his feet. I mentally noted that his name was Lukas...

"But I don't get it? Why would I die?" I asked. He didn't know when I was going to die. Is this why he doesn't want me?

"The Ryne pack is one of the strongest packs in the world, we- they get frequent attacks from rouges, hunters, and other packs constantly. And even more these past few years since Lukas became alpha. So he stepped up his game. He tried making pups train, females, anyone 10-18 was out in the training field everyday. Dylan was one of those warriors" he said I interrupted him.

"Dylan is the Beta?" I asked for confirmation.

"Yes. He was almost 18 when Lukas took him in, he left me in the dust. Threatened my position as Beta. And that's when I left. He made plans to expand the pack for more warriors, making other packs submit against him. I think that's what he is going to do with the Burgesty pack" he said, I stopped.

"The Burgesty pack?" I asked my mouth ajar.

"He doesn't bring other packs on his territory for nothing, he will eventually. No matter how long it takes, he will make the Burgesty pack his." He said turning back around through the woods.

My pack. The pack I used to know as home. Was going to be taken by the Ryne pack, the one I will never call home.

Hey guys! I know I'm taking awhile to write but I'm trying my best! Also I'm a new writer so I know it's not the best, but I'll get better:)

Let me know what you thought of this chapter! And also what I could improve on.

As usual many more to come. Be patient loves.
Xoxo, Lilia

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