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Calistas POV:

We ended our talk when we decided to head down to the kitchen to make breakfast.

This was my first time being anywhere but the entranceway, bedroom, bathroom, office, or outside.

The kitchen was beautiful and grand, yet delicate and sleek. With a base of white and tones of golds run all throughout it. Definitely not something I was expecting from a man's house.

"It's beautiful" I said in awe, my eyes darting from appliance to appliance and counter top to counter top.

"I'm glad you like your kitchen" he smirked and went to pull some ingredients out of the fridge.

I smiled and blushed at the thought of this being all mine and living here with him.

I sat down on one of the stools at the breakfast bar and watched him go to work.

He cracked a few eggs into a pan and fried some bacon in another. He popped some toast in the toaster and within 10 minutes everything was ready on a plate. He sat next to me and handed me my plate.

"Thank you" I smiled up at him and he leaned in to give me a kiss.

"I could get used to it being the two of us" he smiled and sat down scarfing everything down in literal seconds.

He had a giddy smile on his face and got up and wash his plates in the sink. I still had some toast and an egg left so I stayed to finish while he pushed out of the room.

He must have some work to do.. I thought.

I figured he must be getting ready upstairs and he never ended up coming back so I dumped my plate in the sink after rinsing it off.

I pushed open the kitchen door out into the living room before stopping in my tracks immediately when I saw Lukas's figure and another familiar figure sitting next to him on the couch.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt anything" I scratched the back of my neck. Lukas stood up immediately and the other figure turned towards me. I dropped my jaw in shock.

"JACE!" I yelled running over to him. I went to throw my arms around his neck but immediately got ripped back. Lukas let out a growl.

"I suggest you don't do that." He said lowly.

I rolled my eyes but smirked.

"So what's going on you decided he can be free?" I said in a hopeful tone.

"We are working things out" Jace said scratching the back of his neck.

"Like for him to possibly come back to the pack" Lukas finished.

"Really!?" I said jumping and wrapping my arms around Lukas's neck.

"Yes. But it's going to take awhile for him to earn back the packs trust" he said chuckling a little.

"Wouldn't you have to be the only one that trusts him? I mean if you do they have no choice right?" I said matter of factly.

They shared eye contact for a second before Lukas replied.

"Getting him back into the pack won't be a problem that's the easy part." He said pausing "it's getting him back as beta that will be hard." He said.

"Beta??? You really think he can? This day just keeps getting better!" I said hugging him again.

Their faces fell a little.

"I don't understand why it will be hard. Just talk to them, gain their trust all of that. Why are you guys acting like it's his life on the line or something?" I pulled back.

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