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Lukas POV

After a long day I thought I'd stop by the barracks one more time to see how Jace's first day went.

When I walked in he was sitting on his bed with his head down.

"Hey man" I said wearily. He snapped his head up and looked to be in some sort of a daze. His face was littered with cuts and dried blood.

"Hey." He put his head back down to the floor in shame.

"How did everything go today?" I asked hoping for the best.

"Good. Great even. I think I'm already starting to make good progress" he said nodding his head and going to pull off his chest pad.

"On the trust part? Or the fighting part?" I asked watching him winch as he removed his armor.

"Both. Yeah both. Im just doing what it takes man." He said unwrapping his wraps.

I flinched a little looking at his knuckles.

"I'm gonna get you some better wraps. And some ointment that works good for knuckle scarring." I said looking down.

"Seriously it's cool. It's only making me stronger right?" He said chuckling.

"You should still take care of yourself so you don't make things worse. I'll send for it. Get some rest and I'll see you tomorrow" I said going in for a dab up.

"See you tomorrow" he said getting comfy on one of the bunks.

I walked back to the house wondering how Calis day went with Darla.

When I walked up the steps I heard chuckling from inside. I smiled. They must be getting along..

Calistas POV

"That is so funny I would never think he would do something like that" I said wiping my tears.

We were sitting on the couch in the living room eating some ice cream and talking about memories of Lukas as a child.

"Yes darling he was always a catch. I always knew he'd make a great alpha one day. Who knew that anything so terrible could happen." She said getting up with her bowl.

"It's no wonder he wants to keep me safe. I get it. But if I can keep myself safe too, that just makes it better for all of us. It will all turn out okay you'll see" I said with a smile standing up as well.

Lukas turned the corner into the living room and smiled before coming over to give me a kiss.

"Oh I can take that for you dear" Darla said motioning towards my bowl.

"Thank you" I nodded at her before handing it to her and turning back to Lukas.

"I missed you so much." I said going up onto my tip toes to kiss him.

He pulled me from my toes up onto his chest so my legs were wrapped around his waist to deepen the kiss.

He carried me all the way to the kitchen before setting me on the counter. Darla was washing up.

"Darla, would you like to stay for dinner?" Lukas asked smiling over at her, his hands still rested on my thighs.

"Hmmm. No dear I think you and Calista here should go out or have dinner together in one of her new sexy dresses" she said with a wink sashaying out of the kitchen.

I laughed so loudly and Lukas just turned to me slowly.

"Okayyyy then" he said smiling before kissing me once more.

"Where would you like to go lovely?" He said pulling me off the counter by my hand.

"I think I have a place in mind.. let me go get ready" I said mischievously before running up to the room to change.

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