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Calistas POV

I can't believe Lukas was going to take over my old pack. I mean I don't really care, but would this mean he was going to make me submit too? I would never!

"How far are we from boundaries?" I asked Jace.

"Not too far, all I know is there is a stream up ahead" he said stopping to listen for running water.

"Okay, I know I'm being needy but I'm just scared" I said looking to the ground.

"We all are Cal, you're his mate. I'm the 'traitor', and the ex-beta. You have a chance of surviving if they find us. I don't." He said looking me in the eyes, before his eyes drifted behind me.

"I know I'm so-" he cut me off his eyes staying behind me.

"Calista, come here slowly" he said. I started to turn around but he yelled at me harshly "don't Turn around! Just come here"

Suddenly I heard a loud growl rip across the woods. A shiver ran down my spine and I instantly knew who it was. I jumped and ran, covering myself behind Jace.

The giant black wolf lunged out from behind the trees, coming for Jace. I gasped before doing the only thing that came to mind. I pushed Jace away and shifted into my white wolf.

I braced for impact before feeling a heavy crash on my back paw and side. I whimpered getting thrown back into a tree.

Lukas's wolf tumbled over before frantically getting back up, his eyes landing on me. My breathing was heavy and darkness was taking over. He's face held regret and sadness and he began to whimper, and that's when I saw nothing.

Lukas POV

I found them. Damn they should have done better on covering their tracks, not that I'm complaining.

I was staring at them, they were talking about something when Jace looked me right in the eyes.

He whispered something to Calista, she almost turned around before he yelled at her to get behind him. I let out a loud growl, I should be the one to protect her. Not him.

Before thinking I lunged to attack. In the blink of an eye I tackled Jace to the ground before getting back up, I looked over at the figure, I suddenly realized Jace doesn't have a white wolf.

'What did you do?! That is our mate. You hurt our mate!"

Remorse flooded through me before I lunged towards Jace. He was caught off guard because he was too busy looking at Calista. His eyes rolled back making sure he was passed out cold.

'Dylan come get the rouge I need to deal with something else'

I turned off my mindlink and walked over to my mate. One of the bones in her foot was out, her rib was swelling, and her head had dried blood.

I waited for about 20 minutes, my wolf growled and whimpered the entire time. I picked up Calista carefully after I saw a couple warriors and Dylan sprinting our way. I decided to leave before they saw me.

Once I arrived at my house i set her down in one of the guest bedrooms.

'I need you, I have an injured pack member'

'Yes alpha'

I waited a little, and moments after there was a knock at the door. I let in my pack doctor and led her to the room where Calista was.

*1 hour later*

"Well she has a broken 6th rib, a broken floating rib, a slight concussion, and a dislocated toe which is all in the process of healing, but her wolf is very distant. It's making it harder for her to heal" the pack doctor said while packing her things.

"Well what can I do to help her heal faster?" I asked.

"Food, water, painkillers, rest, and affection from her mate should help." She said walking towards the front door.

I growled a little before nodding my head.

"Goodbye alpha" she said walking out of the house.

I turned around heading back to her room before another knock sounded on the door.

Did she forget something? I walked towards the door opening it, I furrowed my brows.

"Mr.Burgesty?" I asked stepping out on the porch and closing the door behind me.

"Alpha Lukas, where have you been?" He asked his arms folded across his chest.

"I had business to take care of, can I help you?" I asked folding my arms as well.

"Yes you can. I would like my pack member, then I want to leave. Peacefully." He said looking me right in the eyes.

I can't give him Calista yet, she needs me to heal. Why do I care? I don't.

"We still haven't found her yet Mr.Burgesty" I said narrowing my eyes.

He leaned his body to the left, looking behind me at the door.

"I understand alpha" he said turning away and walking back towards the pack house.

This chapter was definitely short, but I was trying to finish because it was requested ;)

Also I'm trying to make the chapter more detailed because I lack that.

Let me know what you think:) also feel free to make covers I'm open to the idea always! Also for every 100 views I'm going to give a shoutout so comment if you want one!

Also I'm not sure the color of their wolves that I wrote in the beginning if I did write about that but Lukas is black and Calista is white now :)

As usual many more to come. Sorry for taking so long. Love how fast this story is going, thank you for the support.

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