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I woke up shivering as I ran to check my thermostat in my studio apartment.

"59 degrees? It's the middle of fall I told them to fix that" I said to myself rolling my eyes.

I went back to my bed and wrapped my grey duvet around my shoulders and walked into my kitchen.

I lived alone in NYC, I have to admit it is quite scary but I had no choice since I got kicked out by my parents at 16.

I cracked a few eggs into a pan and watched them pop and bubble.

I'm 18 and I still haven't found my mate, however with my job I don't get out much, and I rarely shift. My wolf is basically gone, she hasn't talked to me in years, my name is Calista Ainsley, and my wolf is Alena.

I scarfed down my breakfast and leaned towards the clock on my stove to read the time.


Shit I have to be at work in 20 minutes.

I set my dishes in the sink and laid my duvet on the couch to walk into my bathroom.

I shuddered at my appearance. My long brunette hair was natted in a messy bun from the night before, I had mascara smudged under my eyes, and a pink Floyd oversized t-shirt with a couple ravioli stains from dinner. Damn no wonder I don't have a mate.

I jumped into the shower and washed, shaved, and dried off. After, I let my hair fall down my shoulders because it was too long and thick to deal with in 15 minutes. I took some mascara and applied it on my top and bottom lashes, then took a little concealer because I didn't get much sleep with the cold air. After that I took my lip gloss and smacked my lips. I brushed my teeth quickly and sprayed my perfume and deodorant.

I stared into the mirror at my crystal blue eyes and nodded my head contently before walking off to my bedroom. I glanced at the clock once more sitting on my desk.


8 minutes. I'm going to be late. I opened my closet and grabbed a pair of black pants, and a black sweater. I paired that with some nike tennis shoes, work policy.

I grabbed the rest of my uniform and my keys before I ran down the fire stairs to my 2012 Kia Rio.

I turned the key and shivered a little before turning on the heat, it was 32 degrees out. I was rubbing my hands together in front of the heater before looking at my I phone 7 reading the time.


Shoot the car isn't even warmed up before I had to drive to work, but I'm going to be late anyways.

By the time I arrived it was 8:02, I was 7 minutes late for opening but technically 2 minutes late.

I quickly ran in through the back door of 'Millie's Diner' throwing on my hat and apron.

When I went to clock in my advisor gave me a pointed look. I scowled in frustration.
*2 hours later*

Ugh. I feel like it's been eternity, but I get off at 6, so only eight more hours..

"Aye, Cal you got someone up front" yelled Parker, he was my only real friend here. We hung out a couple of times but I'm more of a loner, I like the quiet.

"Coming" I said I pushed off the break counter in the back and pulled the red hat back onto my head with a groan. I saw Parker snicker in the corner of my eye, I growled at him.

"Mille's Diner, what can I get for you today?" I looked up and a confused look formed on my face.

There was a guy stood at about 6' 2" and had a very muscular build. His hair was blonde, and his eyes were emerald.

But that isn't what was off about him. He smelt like a wolf, a powerful one at that. I have never seen one this close to the city.

He snapped his finger in-front of my face. "I'm not here for you to oogle at me I'm here to order,  so if you could stop and listen to me.. unless you'd rather me speak to a manager" he said in a cold hard tone.

I shook my head with red cheeks "Sorry, uh no that won't be necessary, what can I get for you?" I mumbled.

"Yeah we will get 4 number threes with waters, a cheeseburger with no onions, and some lemonades for the ladies" he threw a pointed thumb behind him.

I leaned over to look behind him and scoffed "ok? How many?" I said in a duh tone.

He growled a little before replying "3."

"Ok that will be 20.3-" I couldn't finish before he slapped down some money and walked away.

I rolled my eyes and gave the certificate to Parker "Fuck them" I mumbled to him, he nodded in agreement.

I called out their number before the guy walked up and snatched it from my hands, the girls came up and grabbed the cups not looking at me once.

He turned around before turning back, he leaned in close and I stiffened "Oh yeah and you might want to think twice before you use a tone like that on me" he snarled

"Rouge" he spat once more before turning around heading out of the diner with his friends.

They know. I know. I'm in deep shit.

Uh oh, who are these werewolves? Is Lilia safe? Why were they that close to the city?

I'd like to here all of y'alls guesses in the comments! What do you think?

At the top is her NYC studio apartment and her

At the top is her NYC studio apartment and her

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Better photo here of her.

Anyways thanks for reading the first chapter many more to come
Xoxo, Lilia

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