Chapter 4

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< 3rd POV >

Down the corridor the other prisoners had been on the edge of their seats, listening for the young boy that got taken back. They could hear muffled talking that echoed down the hall before a loud ear piercing scream shot through the tension in the air. The pain filled screams lowered any hope that the prisoners had of escaping.

It was about five ticks before the screaming stopped, then it started up for another moment before it was silent again. 

< Hunk 3rd POV >

Two days!  Hunk thought to himself as he was in the ships kitchen still stress baking.

In a frustrated groan, Hunk throws a pan of burnt space garlic knots. The metal clanging against the wall with a loud bang, startling the poor sleep deprived Pidge walking in. 

"Hunk, have you even left the kitchen yet?" Pidge says as they walk into the kitchen, hand still clutching their chest from being startled. The small sleep deprived gremlin sat at one of the stools pushed up to the island counter, giving their friend a concerned look.

Hunk sighs and pushes some trays full of food out of his way and leaning on the counter and resting his head on his arms. 

"No Pidge, I haven't. My best friend just got taken by the Galra do you think I have time to sleep? I-i just have to make everything perfect for when we get him back...we have to get him back. We just gotta." 

Pidge could hear the sadness in the man's voice and jumped off of the stool and rounded the corner of the island. A tapping on Hunks shoulder caused him to look up at his vertically challenged friend with watery eyes. 

"He's my friend too Hunk." They say wrapping their arms around their friend. "That's why we need to keep our heads held high, so we can be strong for Lance." 

The hug didn't last long, Pidge wasn't the most touchy feely kind of person so it meant the world for Hunk.

"Now go get some sleep, you look exhausted. And when you wake up we can search for a way to find Lance together." Pidge said as they stepped back, eyes curiously looking at all of the food on the counter.

Hunk frowns at Pidge when he sees the dark circles under their eyes. "Well your one to talk Pidgeon. It doesn't look like you've slept either."

"On the contrary, I was actually coming to get something to eat then I was going to try to sleep. On Shiro's orders of course. He kinda took all my tools away." Pidge grumbled the last part, the tone of voice obvious they weren't very happy about it.

With a swift turn, Hunk grabs a plate of space food he had made and handed it to Pidge. "Here, you might like this."

"Thanks Hunk." Pidge took the plate and started walking towards the door but turns around before leaving. " We're going to get him back Hunk."

He nods and watches Pidge walk out and down the hall.

Hunk takes off his apron and hangs it up, and before leaving he makes sure any of the stoves or ovens are off before heading to find Shiro.

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