Chapter 14

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I believe the artist is:. artofkelseywooley on Tumblr or they just posted it there. I found it on Pinterest.

Three days have passed since the last fight Lance won. And every day after each winning fight, lance would go back to the cell he was in, and cry. He cried for being stuck in this god forsaken hell hole. And he cried for every life he had to take, he knew he had to do it otherwise it would be his body blasted into cold empty space to float around for eternity.

Everyday an hour before each fight, either a guard or one of Haggar minions came and tortured him. Either physically or mentally.  Either way he was drained of energy when it came to his fights.

He was in the middle of his 6th fight. So far he was gone up against galra and a few other aliens. Today was another Galra.

And todays fight was being broadcasted to his team mates. But he had no idea that was happening.

Lance was very visibly worn out. The gash across his face has been healed by a druid but it left a nasty scar. And the suit he was wearing was littered with holes, from both torture and the fights he endured.

The Blue Paladin wasn't doing very well in this fight. He was getting knocked down repeatedly but he always got back up. That was until when he got knocked down his opponent jumped on top of him wrapping their hands around his throat. Large fingers squeezing tightly against the tan skin.

Soon his vision started to waver as he gasped for air. Spots invading his vision as he tried to push the arm away, resulting in the grasp to tighten even more.

But lance was just so worn out at this point he didn't really feel like fighting back. He let his body go limp and looked up to the blinding lights above him.

It reminded him of the bright shining sun back home. The kind of hot sun you get on the perfect beach day with your family.

The warm water splashing around as everyone playing together. Either building Sandcastles or playing volleyball in the sand, it reminded him of home.

Just as he was about to completely pass out and welcome the sweet release from this hell hole, he heard a faint voice.


His heavy eyes looked around the arena but saw no one.


As the voice boomed into Lance's brain, his eyes snapped open as he felt a rush of energy.

It was like his body was full of electricity, his limbs felt light and weightless as he moved. His finger nails drew to a point, almost animalistic.

Shoving his opponent off of him, his throat let out a low gutteral growl, his eyes flashing a bright blue as he pounced like a lion on his prey. His sharpened claws slashing into his throat, splattering blood everywhere. Quickly dispatching  of his opponent.

The crowd went silent as they saw the spectacle. Lance spun and turned his attention to the crowd, blue glowing eyes staring at everyone. He let out one more growl at the crowd  before he tipped over crumpling to the ground passed out. His eyes and nails going back to normal.


The team watched the video in shock of how their Blue Paladin just fought in the ring. No one knew lance could fight like that and they weren't very surprised he was loosing at first.

Shiro knew better though, he knew why lance was slow and sluggish. Because he has to do the same thing when he was champion. He could see the pain in lance's eyes with every movement. And the look of relief on his face when he welcomed the sweet release of death.

What was a real shock to Shiro was the way he acted when he killed his opponent. Almost animalistic in behavior. He had seen the strange look in his eyes, the way they glowed.

Shiro sat and thought for a moment then slammed his fist on the panel in front of him.

"PIDGE! Go try your machine I think we're close to Lance. That behavior was lion like. I think Blue gave him some strength to keep him alive and fighting!" Shiro spoke up loudly, startling everything from their own thoughts.

"Hunk come on you heard him!" Pidge took hunks hand and dragged him away from the control room.  The two got to their machine and started tinkering away and trying to catch a signal.

Allura quickly went to the castles console and started looking to see if she could locate any Galran ships.

In only a matter of minutes Pidge and Hunk came running back into the room with a location of Lance's suit. And Allura had pinpointed two different Galra ships within the distance of their pinned location.

It only took a matter of five minutes to get Lance's location locked down, the team getting ready to go save their Blue Paladin. He had been gone for a total of two weeks. It has felt more like two months

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