Chapter 10

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Lance pov

I sat there stunned for a few moments before two guards whisked me up and off of the ground. Each of them grabbed my hand and held it in the air, the crowd cheering for me.

I turned my head to see them dragging the unconscious former champion away. The sounds of the cheers we're getting annoying.

Realizing that I technically had a weapon on me, there was a chance I could escape. Snapping my arms away from the guards holding them up. I use the brass knuckles to my advantage and punch one guard square in the face. Hearing and feeling his nose crack.

3rd pov

Squatting down lance spins around with his leg out, sweeping the guards legs out from under him. Quickly grabbing the whip he used to fight and stealing a gun from the guard. Lance bolts it for the door they took the other fighter through.

He could hear the mass of yells coming from behind him, as well as the sound of boots taking chase as he ran. Moving as fast as he nee leg could take he darted through the halls. Blasting at any galra or sentries that came for him.

Lance didn't give up, no matter how many galra we're chasing him. Sliding down one of the halls, he could see the bay for the escape pods. His breath heavy and pushed off of the wall and kept running. His eyes on the prize.

Just as he was about to reach the first escape pod, someone large stepped in his way. Making the blue paladin ricochet off and hit his head on the floor roughly. As his brain played pin ball in his skull, lance tried to see through his slightly blurry vision at who ruined his escape.

"FUCKING LOTOR!" Lance exclaimed as his vision came back. Glaring daggers at the Galran prince from his place on the floor.

Before he could blink, Lotor was ontop of lance. Pinning him down to the ground. One of his large hands wrapped around his already bruised neck. The other balled up, punching lances face repeatedly.

It was so sudden lance couldn't even react or defend himself. The barrage of punches swelling up his face and busting the skin open, covering his face and lotors hand on blood.

Lance grunted and groaned trying to punch back but had no energy left as his air was also being restricted with his other hand.

Lances vision started going black and all he could think of was, (This is it. This is how I'm going out.) But sjust as he was about to pass out, visions of his family flooded through his mind. His family back home on earth and his family here in space too. But one  particular scarred face stuck out from the rest.

Seeing that face gave Lance a second burst of energy. Lunging himself up into Lotor. Switching their positions, still having his brass knuckles on, Lance just let go on Lotor. Punching repeatedly the brass knuckles making quick work of breaking his skin and cutting up his face.

It was hard to see what he was doing, due to half of his face now being swollen. His eye almost closed shut. He could feet the blood dripping down his face from the broken skin that went from his left cheek, up the side of his nose and over to just between his eyebrows.

Blood getting into his eyes made him see red and he couldn't hold back anymore. Before he got co more he felt a stinging sensation in the back of his neck. Whipping around he saw a soldier with a dart gun.

Lance crawled off of the battered prince and stood up, grabbing the dart out of his neck and threw it on the ground. Taking an angry step towards the guard, his body gave out on him and he crumpled to the floor. The drug laced in the dart working quicky. Knocking lance out for a good few hours.

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