Chapter 13

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Lance could hear the cheers of the crowd, yelling "Champion, Champion" over and over. He was nervous, his body hurt from the cuts all over his body, and it was hard to see with just one good eye at the moment. His hands clenched around the handle of the blades tightly. His knuckles turning white as he stared at the gate.

As the chanting continued, the gate slowly opened and the volume of the arena increased by tenfold. Jaw clenched he stepped he stepped out into the arena, the light blinding him for a moment. Blinking quickly he adjusted to the light and looked around.

He was the first one into the arena, now that he actually had a chance he actually looked around. It was a big circular room, with tall walls and at the top of the walls were crowd stands. On the far wall was another gate like the one he came out of where he could hear sounds of the other fighter.

The crowds cheers for more frantic sounding as the gate on the other side began to open, releasing the other fighter.

Lance's gaze looked over with anxious eyes.

As the other opponent entered the arena the crowded roared loudly. Lance gave a groan as he saw him, the Galran build was twice the size of Lance's. Even bigger than the champion he beat prior.

Tightening his hold on the blades lance closed his eyes and took a deep breath and thought to himself. 

(Okay, what would Kieth do? Larger opponent, only blades to fight with. Come Lance think.)

The Blue paladin calmed himself down by taking a few deep breaths like how Kieth would do during training. Everyone probably thought Lance never paid attention in training, because he never really excelled on his part during group training.

Reason being instead of working on his own stuff during group. He was always more fascinated by watching everyone else, and seeing their techniques and what they do to over come their obstacles.

What they didn't know is he did a pretty good job when he was alone. He would take into count the obstacles he would have to face and use different techniques on how to over come them.

So that's what he was going to do. Surely this fighter, given the chance would kill Lance in a heart beat.  He couldn't let that happen.

Letting out one last breath he opened his eyes and saw the fighter charging towards him, his own weapons held high. Consisting of two medium sized battle axes.

Lance stood his ground. Holding the blades relaxed by his side. Channeling his inner emo friend he waited until it was time to attack.

The crowd went silent with anticipation of what was going to happen. As his opponent drew near, he tightened the grip on his blades and charged at him as well.

Sparks were made as the weapons clashed awkwardly. The brute force of the larger one causing lance to fall back onto the ground, one of the blades skidding away from his as he landed. He felt the stinging sensation of the wounds on his back but scrambled away as an axe came swinging down, sticking into the floor where his head was.

Twirling the blade lance spun on the ground and swung at the hand that held the axe in the ground. Making a deep gash up the arm, revealing the bone.

Lance quietly gagged to himself when he saw that. Not liking that he was the one who inflicted it.  The Galran let out a deep growl in pain as he released the axe, giving up taking it out of the floor.

Lance jumped back to distance himself. Watching the movement of his opponent. He jumped and turned his head when loud clang rattled his ears, as the crowd banged against the cage that surrounded the arena.

His opponent took this at his advantage and tackled Lance down to the ground. Hitting the floor with a heavy body ontop of him knocked the air out of his lungs and he gasped for breath.

(Oh Lord he's so fucking heavy!) Lance thought to himself as he struggled underneath the behemoth of a man. Getting knocked over he lost his last sword it just passed his reach as he tried to grab it.

His face squeezed shut in pain as he felt the had of the Galran dig into one of the wounds on his stomach through the fabric of his suit. (Damn guards must have told him where the cuts were.)

Lance was struggling in trying to find a way to get out of the position he was in. He had pain filled tears leak from his eyes as the hand dig into his side making blood drip down onto the ground.  He was just about to give up when he took a moment and saw that the Galran on top of him had a scar that went through one of his eyes.

Forgetting trying to grab the blade lance reached up and rammed his fingers into the scarred eye. He felt the way he popped the cornea into the rest of the eye making the aqueous humor leak out of the eye, mixed with blood.

He howled back in pain. Clutching his eye in agonizing pain. Giving lance the chance to get up, his hand holding over his sore side. He bent over and  grabbed his blade.

Swinging around lance used his metal leg and kicked his opponent in the face sending him flying backwards. Wanting to finish this quickly lance walked over and stood over the galrans head.

"I'm sorry I have to do this" he whispered as he stabbed into his neck. Causing him to choke on his own blood.

Lance couldn't watch as he turned and limped away back to his gate.

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