Chapter 2

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<3rd Person pov>

Shots from the Galra guns shoot past the group as they run down the halls. Loud sounds of them running and yelling echoes in the hall around them. Shiro keeps to the back of the group, yelling at everyone to keep running, protecting the rescued prisoners and his teammates. 

Each paladin, frantic to keep the prisoners safe. Sweat beading on their brows as they run for safety. 

"Paladins, get to your Lions!!" Shiro yells to the group. As the group round the corner to where the Lions are, a frantic Keith runs into them tears staining his cheeks.

"Keith, where's Lance?!" The leader asks Keith as they reach the Lions, looking around for the missing paladin. But he doesn't receive a response, as the red paladin helps some of the prisoners into his lion. "KEITH! Where is Lance!" Shiro shouts once more, worry evident in his voice and facial features.

"...They got him Shiro…. We have to go." A sad voice rings out through the comms to the leader. Hearing this Shiro grew even more frantic while helping the prisoners into his own lion.

"No, I need to go get him! " Once the last person was loaded into the Black Lion, Shiro began to run back the way they came. Before he could get any farther a flash of red had tackled him to the ground. With a struggle red prevailed and pinned the black Paladin to the ground.

"Shiro, that's suicide to go back there. The Galra are coming and we need to go! It hurts me just as much as it hurts you. He saved my life but we can come back for him once we're out of danger." The red paladin frantically tries to convince his leader not to go. As Shiro looks up to Keith his eyes gloss over with tears before closing his eyes and nodding. Keith gets off of his leader and holds out a hand to help him up. 

"We have to go. Hunk I need you to help Keith grab Blue and fly back to the Castle." Taking the hand Shiro stand up and runs back to his lion. The Black Paladin reaches the inside of his lion just as the small army if Galra soldiers charges into the room. 

"But Shiro, what about Lance? We can't just leave him here. We have to g.." "HUNK That's and order. NOW DO AS I SAY! OR DO YOU WANT EVERYONE ELSE TO GET CAPTURED TOO!" The harsh voice of the leader growls through the comms, causing everyone to shut up. The yellow Paladin bites his lip to hold back a sob,he can't stand the thought of leaving his best friend in the hands of such horrid people.

Without any more words the group follows the orders of their leader, but the sadness and anger ever present in the atmosphere. The red and yellow paladins grab the blue lion and fly out of the Galra ship, the green lion following right behind. After a few ticks the Black Lion follows suit, the leader completely torn about leaving a paladin behind. A single tear slides down the cheek of the black Paladin as he makes a silent promise to Lance right as the Galra ship jumps into a wormhole. 

"Lance, I promise to the bottom of my heart. That I will not stop, I will not rest. Until we get you back."

< 3rd pov Lance>


The body lying on the floor of the damp dark cell started shuffling, coming in and out of consciousness. A pool of blood collecting on the floor under one of the  legs. As Lance fluttered his eyes open for the second time, he finally woke up, the drug still not completely out of his system making him drowsy. With a groan he lifts himself up to sit against the wall. The musty smell of dark wetness enters his nose making him sneeze.

"Well, this isn't sanitary" The paladin mumbles to himself while trying to adjust his eyes to the darkness. He brings a hand up to rub the sleep from his tired eyes, only to smear some grime on his cheek from the floor. With a grimacing look he wipes it off his cheek and smears it onto the wall.

"Definitely not sanitary." The blue Paladin sighs and leans his head back against the wall, his eyes more or less have adjusted to the dark. The room was small, approximately six foot by six foot, not a lot of room for the 5' 7" tall person to move around in. Not that much moving around is required in his condition, the blood still oozing out of the wound slowly. 

Damn Galra took out the knife. Lance internally thinks to himself. His armour was taken off of his body leaving him in nothing but the black under suit. Using his teeth Lance rips one if the sleeves off if the suit and uses it to tie around the bleeding thigh so he doesn't bleed out. Just as he finished doing that the doors to the cell Lance was being held in hisses open, and two Galra stand in front of it. The sudden intrusion of light momentarily blinds the blue Paladin causing him to cover his eyes with his hands.

"Ah, finally here to take me to the party?" Lance smirks as his eyes adjust to the light, looking up at the two soldiers there. Using jokes to try and calm his nerves. However the Galra don't think it's funny and forcefully grab Lance's arms attaching a pair of handcuffs to his wrists. The sharp metal digging into the tan skin of his wrists caused discomfort for the paladin but he doesn't show it.

Each if the Galra loop one if their arms with their prisoners and drags him out of the cell. Frantic Lance looks for a way to escape as he gets dragged down the hallway. Hurrying up his steps to keep up with the Galra he decides to wing it and kicks the back of one of the Galra's legs, causing his arm to fall from it's hold on him. Locking his two arms around the other Galra's arm he twists hearing a loud pop from their shoulder.

 The sudden pain causing the Galra to fall to their knees. Using this to his advantage, Lance let's go and darts away, limping due to his wound, but nevertheless running. Turning down one of the halls his thoughts of an escape fade away as he ricochets off of a large man and onto the floor with a thud.

"Ah, There you are. Blue Paladin, I was just coming to see you. Now where do you think your going?" Lance looks up to see that he bumped into a tall man with long flowing white hair, his skin wasn't furry but it was still purple indicating Galra. The paladin loses his sense of speech when he sees the piercing yellow eyes glare down at him.

"Guards!" The tall man yells harshly, and immediately two new Galra guards run up to a stop in front of him bowing. "Take little Blue here to our "Special" room, and get him ready for my arrival. I need to go find that wretched witch." With that the man whips around, his hair flying behind him as he walks down the corridor. 

"Right away Prince Lotor. Vrepit Sa." The two guards bow once again as the man leaves, saluting him. As the man known as Prince Lotor leaves, the two guards turn around and face the Paladin that is still sat on the floor. With no effort they hoist Lance up and drag him down the hall to where the previous guards still lay. Lance having used all his energy on escaping the first time gave no fight. But that doesn't mean his spirit was gone.

As the trio went by more cells Lance noticed some prisoners looking out at the Paladin, worry in their eyes.

"I'm the Blue Paladin of Voltron. My team is on their way and we will rescue you from this hell hole. You have my word! I will not give up my heart! They will not take my spirit! I will fight for you!!" Lance yells the last part as he gets dragged into the "Special" room. Hoping that he could shine some light in their dark days.

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