Chapter 19

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****Art credit, me. This is how I envision Lance with his scars and shirt on. Also I don't know the artists I referenced for the Shiro on the shirt****

Shiro got startled awake by loud screams, coming from the body next to him. Sitting up quickly, he looked down and saw Lance had curled himself into as much of a ball he could. His eyes squeezed shut, arms covering his face.

He was acting like he was being attacked, tears rolling down his cheeks as he lay there, screaming for whoever it was in his mind to stop. Shiro shifted over and rubbed his hand gently against Lance's back, earning him pulling away from the touch in response. What he expected to happen, happened.

"Lance, you're okay. It's Shiro. No one's gonna hurt you I promise." He tried again and rubbed small comforting circles into his lower back, the shirt he was wearing had ridden up. So he massaged the warm skin gently.

Slowly Shiro kneeled up and leaned over Lance, pulling one arm away from his face and placed a gentle kiss against the damp cheek. The sobs started to slow down then finally stop as Shiro kept placing kisses along Lance's body. His cheek, forehead. Down to his shoulder and down his arm.

Slowly Lance finally woke up and pushed himself up and wrapped his arms around Shiro's shoulders, burying his face into the man's neck. With a small smile Shiro pulled him into his lap and ran his fingers through Lance's hair and whispered to him.

"You're alright, your safe."

It took around another ten min before Lance was finally calmed down enough to pull away from the embrace the two shared.

"T-thanks. I'm sorry for waking you..." Lance said softly as he looked to Shiro

"Nonsense, that's what I'm here for. To take care of you Lov.. Lance." Shiro gave a small cough in correction to his words. Lance pulled his damp cheeks away from the crook of Shiro's neck and sat on the bed next to him. Reaching out and holding onto his hands. The cold metal of the bionic arm contrasting to the warmness of his normal hand.

"Shiro... So, what are we?" He asked while looking at their hands.

"Well, we can be what ever you want to be. But the team has seen us kiss already and I really do care deeply for you. What ever we are I'll let you decide." Shiro gave Lance's hands a gentle reassuring squeeze.


"Yeah we can be boyfriends." The older of the two spoke softly as he pulled Lance towards him, drawing their faces near so he could kiss his now boyfriend.

It was a sweet and soft kiss, the two melting into each other's embrace. Once it was over Shiro stood up and helped Lance to his foot.

"Hunk should be done with dinner how about we go eat with everyone? Mhmk?" Shiro received a small nod in return from Lance as he helped him towards the door.

The new couple made their way to the dining hall at Lance's pace because he insisted on getting himself there. With the Aid of Shiro being his crutch. The dining hall door opens with a quiet sound and Lance was greeted by the delicious smell of garlic. It made his mouth water on the spot.

"Lance! Come on in and sit down dinner is almost done" The loud voice of Hunk called out to Lance from the kitchen window on the far wall of the dining hall.

Shiro helped over to the table and was going to put him in the seat next to him but Lance stopped him.

"Do you care if I sit in my normal seat? I don't want our seating arrangements to change, we've gotten so used to it. I hope you don't mind...." Lance looked up to Shiro as he held onto the chair in front of him.

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