Chapter 20

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Lance sat in his chair at the table blank faced, staring at the floor, lost in his own thoughts as everyone cleaned up from dinner. Shiro knew lance needed the moment for himself so he had given him a quick kiss on the cheek and got up to finish with the dishes in the kitchen.

After a few minutes Pidge came out of the kitchen and headed for Lance, they had something for him in their hand. He picked his head up and gave a smile to the little green goblin when he noticed their approach.

"What you up too Pidgeon?" He said in a cherry voice, trying to get himself out of his funk.

"I made these for you while you were sleeping. I didn't want to start on a new leg just yet without you there with me, but these will help you get around on your own for now." As they spoke the pulled out two little boxes and pushed the button on top of them. With the button pushed the boxes sprung open and unfolded into a pair of white and blue crutches.

"Wow Pidge that's incredible. How did you manage to do that in such little time." He had a wide bright smile on his face as he made little grabby hands for the new set of crutches. Chuckling lodge handed them to him.

"I broke my foot once when I was 10, had to use crutches like these to move around." Lance set the crutches on the ground and used them to pull himself off of the chair. He made a few adjustments to the height with Pidges hell and he was all good to go.

Taking a few practice steps Lance hopped away from the chair. He laughed and smiled happily as he maneuvered through the dining hall.

"Thank you Pidge this means so much you don't even know!" He hopped over an balanced on his leg to give Pidge a hug.  They reciprocated the hug with a smile on their face.

"You're welcome Lance. I'm so glad to have you back with us. And if your okay with it do you want to start working on your leg tomorrow? I have a few blue prints made up of different styles you could choose from, or you can design your own."

"I really appreciate it, I can't wait to get started tomorrow." With that Lance and Pidge parted ways and Lance went towards the kitchen to see if he could help with anything.

But Lance saw something totally unexpected when he hoped into the kitchen. His eyes widening and trying to suppress a laugh that escaped his throat.

"Pfft .." His hands clapped over his mouth as everyone in the kitchen turned to him. Looking at him with puzzled looks at his laughter.

"Oh my I definitely wasn't expecting to see you guys dressed like that when I came in."

Across the kitchen we're Shiro, Hunk, and Keith. The three of them wearing aprons and rubber dish gloves that matched their corresponding lion colors. Hunk in yellow, Keith in red, and Shiro in black.

Shiro's cheeks dusted pink as he saw Lance's eyes scan over his figure longer than the other two, for obvious reasons of course.

"Well do I get a blue one or am I left out?" The amused voice of Lance snapped the group out of their embarrassed thoughts, well except Hunk cause the aprons were his idea anyway.

"Sure thing buddy. I made it a rule to cut back on laundry. If anyone helps do anything in the kitchen. You have to wear your apron." Hunk opened a cupboard that had the rest of the colored aprons folded neatly inside. He grabbed the blue one and brought it over to Lance. "Here you go"

Lance gratefully took the apron, leaning against the counter he set his crutches down and tied the blue clothes around his neck and waist. Synching the draw string around his waist tightly. Giving him a more hourglass figure.

Shiro couldn't help the deep blush that spread across his face, almost matching the color of the scar that ran over his nose. From his point of view he just watched Lance, in his blue boxers and shirt with a cartoon Shiro on it mind you. Tie a apron tightly around his waist, showing off his figure. It was too much for poor Shiro to handle.

"I see there are dishes left. We can make a little assembly line, Hunk wash, Keith rinse, I dry and Shiro puts them away. Would that be okay for everyone?" He put his crutches back under his arms and looked at the three waiting for an answer.

"I have no problem with it. Just, will you be okay touching the wet dishes? You kinda freaked out with the cup of water earlier. I don't want it to mess with you again." Hunk answered and spoke warrily trying not to upset Lance.

"I'll be fine. It's just a little water. That was cause I was drinking it and it had gotten warm. Here let me test something." He made his way over to the kitchen sink and turned the faucet on. Reaching out he put his hands under the running water. He got worrying looks from them as he instinctively flinched away from the feeling on his skin.

His eyes squeezed shut he moved his hand back under the steady stream of water. Lance hadn't realized his hands were shaking until he felt calloused fingers slide over his wrist and onto his own hands. The slight shaking stopped and he turned to see Shiro standing behind him, arms wrapped around his waist and holding onto his hands under the water.

"I told you, I'm always here for you." Shiro's voice whispered into Lance's ear quietly. A smile and light blush crept onto lance's face as he heard the words.

Pulling his arms away from the water Lance wiped his wet hands on his apron and shuffled aside next to the sink and grabbed a towel from the drawer to dry the dishes with.

"Okay I'm good let's get this done."

In a matter of minutes the dishes were washed rinsed dried and put away by the four of them. Everything went off without a hitch and Shiro helped Lance out of his blue apron. The colorful fabric gets folded back up and put in the cupboard with the rest of the colors.

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