Chapter 5

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< Shiro >

Shiro rubs his tired eyes in frustration, the Galra documents they gathered when Lance got taken were useless.

With an angered yell Shiro's fists collide with the metal desk before him. His Galra arm making a prominent dent in the otherwise smooth surface. He sighs and takes a seat in the chair behind him, leaning on his folded arms that rest on the now blemished surface.

The Leader can't help but think about what could be happening to Lance, knowing first hand what the Galra are capable of. Not only the physical pain but the deep physiological trauma that will be stuck with him forever. Especially now since he is a paladin of Voltron and not just a regular prisoner.

Stressing over the idea of what Lance is going through causes a flood gate of memories to filter in through his brain in rapid succession. Tears formed in the corner of his eyes blurring the surroundings in front of him.

His heart rate began to increase and his breathing came in short quick breaths. The black paladin squeezes his eyes shut at an attempt to force away the memories. Tears escape and move down his face, dampening his cheeks. As he does this a knock is heard on the closed door to Shiro's room, the sudden echoing sound helping the man snap out of his mental torment.

With a whoosh Shiro stands up taking three long strides to the door and pausing. He uses his normal hand to wipe his face off. Making sure he looked presentable and put together for whomever was outside. With a quick push of a button the door hisses open to reveal an exhausted looking Hunk.

Shiro noted the dark circles under the boy's eyes, and the slightly lighter tone to the skin signifying he hasn't slept either. No one has really gotten any rest for the past 48 hours. Not to mention the stress and guilt that was eating away at everyone for leaving a paladin.. no, their friend, their family behind.

"Oh, Hunk. Are you okay, do you need something?" The elder man's voice cracked slightly while talking, subtly coughing to clear the frog in his throat. But obvious concern present in the tone as he looked at the disheveled Yellow paladin.

Hunks demeanor visibly sunk at the question. "No Shiro I'm honestly not doing to good, but that's why I wanted to talk to you. I had an idea on how we might get Lance back."

Shiro's spirit raised slightly with a possible idea on getting Lance back. "Really? Tell me!"

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