Chapter 8

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< Lance >

Finally the boy was able to get some rest. As he opened his eyes he felt more energized. With no thought in the process Lance raised his arms to stretch his sore muscles, to his surprise, they raised with no issue. Lifting his head he sits up quickly noticing he was not chained to the table anymore.

Huh, must have been sleeping hard. Lance thought to himself, rubbing his sore wrists. Gazing down at his new leg the boy gently moved himself to the edge of the hard table bed. Wincing slightly at the discomfort he felt when the weight of it hung down, tugging on the still sore wound.

Gripping on the metal frame tightly he slowly lowers his legs to the floor. Putting majority of the weight on his left leg, hopping slightly, Lance gets himself turned around and leans his arms on the bed. Taking some small deep breaths and using the bed support the paladin ever so slightly starts to put pressure on the porcelain looking leg. Jaw clenched and breathing heavier, holding back from wincing at the pain he finally stands evenly on both feet.

"Well look at that! I did it!" Lance exclaimed to himself in the dim room, his voice echoing back to him. "Now I just gotta take a step."

Hyping himself up he takes a small step to his left. Starting off with just circling the bed, not confident enough to let go just yet. After taking a few steps Lance made it to the other side of the bed, the use of the leg making the pain and pressure on the prosthetic become very faint. Soon he had made four circles around the bed and felt okay enough to take a free step.

But before he could try his own step, the door opened with a threatening hiss, the sound followed in by the sound of boots stepping in. Lance spins around as quickly as he can, back to the bed now as he glares at who even entered.

The first thing to notice was the long flowing white hair appearing from the shadows. In walked Prince Lotor as high and mighty as ever.

"I see you are up and moving. That is wonderful to see." The galran prince clapped his hands together as he stalked his way over to Lance. A fake smile plastered on his lips.

"What are you going to do now you fucking Barney looking ass?" Lance glares up at the purple skinned man with pure hatred. Knowing he would not understand the insult just made it even better.

Lotor's smile faded from his face, and just as quickly as it left he smacked Lance across the face. The hard hit to the face sending the boy down to the ground with a hard thud.

"Do not speak unless spoken to. Do you understand!" Lotor speaks through gritted teeth as he towers over the boy on the floor. Lance raised his hand and wiped the blood off of his lips, spitting some out of his mouth and onto the floor. Raising his head, Lance looks up at Lotor and laughs.

"Awe, is Tinky Winky mad?" He speaks in a way you would a child that didn't get what it wanted.

Completely furious at the names he was being called, the Prince swung his foot against the paladin's abdomen, the force of the blow sliding him across the floor. Causing Lance to curl into the fetal position holding his stomach as he coughs, trying to catch his breath.

Peering open his eyes he sees the man stalk out of the room, and in his stead two guards come in and gather the paladin in their arms. Dragging him out of the dark room into the slightly brighter hallway.

"Since he has such a mouth on him, I want to see how well he fairs in a fight against our current champion. Take him to the ring." Lotor waves the guards off and walks down the hall, his long white hair flowing behind him.

"Vrepit Sa!" The guards salute their prince and drag the prisoner down in the opposite direction. Hoisting Lance up they make him walk in between them after cuffing him of course.

Wincing slightly Lance manages to keep up, though limping the new leg wasn't all that bad. The two guards bring Lance into somewhat the equivalent of a school locker room. Except there were no lockers,  just walls full of weapons and armour.

The guards take the cuffs off and shut Lance in the room by himself. With nothing better to do the paladin takes a look around at the weapons. Seeing as he would have to fight he might as well pick something.

*If only I could have my Bayard* He thinks to himself. Seeing some brass knuckles with spikes on he grabs one and slides it onto his fingers, the cold metal fitting perfectly. Lance continues to search through the plethora of weapons and finds a sort of whip rope that resembles that of Allura's weapon.

Grateful for the late night training with Shiro and Allura, Lance had a pretty good understanding of how to fight up close and farther away.

The training with Shiro helped strengthen his stamina , strength and speed. His abs and biceps show for his hard work. As for Allura's training it taught him agility and quick thinking needed during a fight. And how to look for the right moment for an advantage.

Once his weapons were chosen, a door opened behind him. The sound of booming cheering filling the previously quiet room. Making his way over Lance peers out of the door, seeing a big arena with a full stand of people eagerly awaiting a fight to the death.

The weight of the situation finally sinking into the pit of his stomach Lance goes to turn around and find a way out but is met with the two guards from earlier.

"Time to fight, get yourself out there and out on a nice show while you die" Guard 1 speaks as he shoves Lance out of the door. The two of them laugh as the metal slams shut behind him.

Lance takes a step swallowing down the anxious lump in his throat as he makes his way into the brightly lit arena. The crowds of people cheering and booing for the Paladin. Squeezing his hand around the brass knuckles he gazes around white his blue orbs taking in his surroundings.

The audience grows louder as a door on the other side begins to slowly open. Revealing the silhouetted figure of whom he was going to fight. They were tall and seemed to have a bulkier build to their body, but it was hard to tell with them in the shadows.

As if they read Lance's mind the champion took a few steps out of the shadows. The roaring crowd booms and bangs in their seats. The shadows slink away from them to reveal none other than Prince Lotor himself. Decorated in armour, and holding a glistening sword.

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