Chapter 15

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Lance got woken up by cold liquid drenching his suspended body, as he hung from his wrists his feet tied together as well. Coughing and sputtering trying to get the liquid off his face, he shook his head. Shaking the fluid off of his face.

Lifting his gaze he saw the Galran soldier set a metal bucket down and walk out of the room.

Lance muttered to himself. (Well that was freaking rude.)

Glancing around the room he took in the different surroundings of the space he was in. There was nothing in the room besides the chain on the ceiling he was attached too, which looked to be over top a trap door. Half of the room has grates as the floor and a lever, (which probably opened the door beneath me) lance figured.

That was it though.

The paladins body shivered slightly from his now damp fabric on his body. But he quickly tensed his body and clenched his jaw to stop the involuntarily movement when the door slid open with a hiss. Only one person walked in and it was Lance's least favorite face to look at. Prince Lotor. Sad to say but, Lance would rather look at Hagar than Lotor.

"Come to join the party here Share Bear?" Lance teased the irate Prince. Surprisingly enough his taunt didn't work to rise up the princes anger issues. Instead he received a menacing glare as the tall lanky figured walked towards the lever on the wall. Pressing a button next to it that Lance couldn't see. The door below him slowly drew in and revealed a dark cavern of, what appeared to be water but knowing the Galra probably wasn't. Small lights turned on and he could see the blue color of the liquid.

It looked like the same blue of the ocean at home.

"I'm going to break you one way or another Blue Paladin. And I will try any means necessary to do so." His words spit out like venom at the suspended paladin. His obvious anger towards him evident.

Without any time for Lance to take a breath, Lotor pulled the lever his hand rested on and he fell into the blue liquid below. He gasped as much breath as he could before he fully submerged. As he fell in it splashed up onto the grates then dropped back down into it's container.

With his hands and feet tied together lance thrashed to get to the top. But he could barely move. It was like once he was inside the tub of blue stuff it became thicker, like a jelly. And everywhere it touched his exposed skin and wounds, started to get a stinging sensation.

Deciding to not waste his breath lance stopped moving and focused on keeping his breath in. Grateful for his amazing swimming instructor back home to teach him how to hold his breath. But not having that big of a breath in the first place was a little harder for him as it got harder and harder to hold his breath.

After a minute it felt like he was going to suffocate and his body got the better of him and gasped for air, underneath the liquid. The jelly-like substance burning his throat as it slid in and filtered its way into his lungs.

As he jerked back and forth to try and fight for his life in the fluid, the chains on his arms yanked him up and out, suspending him in the air once again. Lance threw up the fluid from his stomach and lungs and coughed aggressively.

Just as he had caught his breath, he saw a smirk from Lotors face as he yanked the lever and plunged Lance back down. Everywhere burned as, what Lance figured was an acidic substance, touched everywhere on his body. The fluid filled his stomach and lungs as he accidentally swallowed it and breathed it in.

This torture of coming to the brink of drowning and being brought back kept up for half an hour. But it felt like an eternity for Lance. His lungs and throat felt like they were on fire and he wished for it to stop. Every time he got dropped into the blue stuff his skin burned more, like someone had smacked a really bad sunburn.

He just wanted Lotor to let him drown and melt into the pit but every time he got close to it, he would be dragged back out and forced to cough it out.

His ears nose and throat were full of the jelly as he got brought up once again. His raw throat coughing it up, blood spitting out and mixing with it. Tears streaming down his face as he started to beg Lotor to just kill him already.

As he hung there for god knows what number now, he heard muffled sounds of crashing and alarms going off through the Galran ship. Lotor heard it better than him and grumbled.

"Sounds like your precious Paladins finally found you. But they won't get you, not if I have any play in the matter." Lance's exhausted face showed a spark of hope that his team was going to save him. He could finally be with his space family.

Lotor noticed how his spirit still hadn't broken, and scoffed.

"They won't find you. And they can't save you when you're dead." Lance looked at his menacing smile as he pulled the lever making lance plummet into the liquid for the last time. Knowing he would get lifted back up this time.

His body thrashed back and forth. A few drops previous this one, lance's mechanical leg had disconnected from the acid eating it. And Lotor had taken it off from his bound ankles. Leaving lance with just his one leg and bound hands.

The blue Paladin tried desperately to kick his leg and get to the top of the pit, but he had sunk almost to the bottom and couldn't reach the top. He was losing hope that his team could find him in time as his already sore lungs burned, trying to hold what air they had in it.

After a moment, Lance's body gave out and for the last time he breathed and swallowed the acidic substance. His vision grew spotty as he thrashed to fight the lack of oxygen. His half-lidded eyes stared up at the light at the top of the pit.

The Blue Paladin's eyes closed and everything went Black.

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