Chapter 9

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< Shiro >

It was finally "morning" in the castle, and Shiro had yet to sleep. The leader sat at his desk the whole night thinking and worrying. Only getting up once to use the restroom.

Re-attaching his arm and pulling a new clean shirt on Shiro makes his way out of his room, throwing on his vest as he does. The rest of the team were still in their rooms getting ready for the day, hoping something good was going to come out of it.

The Black Paladin makes his way towards the dining hall, where they were going to have their discussion while everyone ate. Being the first one there Shiro decides to set the table, grabbing the bowls and spoons out of the cupboards and drawers he sets them at every place. Without even realizing, he had set out Lance's place setting as well.

He slams his hands frustratedly on the table over lances dishes, tears in his eyes. "I can't believe I let this happen." Shiro whispers quietly to himself, but not quite enough as the team hears him as they enter. Seeing their leader slumped over the table, visibly broken over the blue paladin's capture.

"You didn't let anything happen, Shiro." Keith's voice echoes in the large room as he makes his way to his brother, placing a hand on his shoulder. The rest of the group makes their way to their respective seats, grabbing their bowls to go get their food goo.

"Let's just get everyone to sit so me and Hunk can explain his idea." Shiro pushes himself off of the table and sits in his seat, too nervous to eat. As everyone sat but no one really had the stomach to eat. Sighing, Shiro stands up and gives a small clap of his hands as he looks at his team.

"Alright let's not waste anymore time. Hunk, the floor is yours." Shiro motions for Hunk to stand up and explain his idea.

The yellow Paladin stands up nervously looking at the team.

"Well, Allura, since the suits we have, have cameras so that we can see what each one of us is doing while wearing them. I thought there would be a way to make an antenna of sorts to try and reach Lance's helmet signal. Since he is too far away for our normal frequency to reach. Or if there was a tracker on the suit maybe Pidge would be able to find a way to lock onto its location."

The team, besides Shiro, were stunned. Pidge smacking their face with their hand mumbling to themselves "How could I have not thought of that! Hunk your a Fucking genius!"

"Hey, language." Shiro scolds the green paladin for the use of inappropriate language. Pidge rolls their eyes as they stand up from the table, grabbing Hunk's arm the two rush off informing the group they were going to get started on it.

< Lance >

He was shocked to say the least when he saw his opponent was Prince Lotor himself. The roaring of the crowd hurt Lance's ears as they screamed at the top of their lungs to cheer for their beloved Prince.

The Galran stepped into the arena with arms open wide, basking in the praise like he was burdened with a glorious purpose. (Get the reference?)

Once he reaches the center of the room Lotor points his sword at the Blue Paladin.

"This little worm thinks he can defy me as a Prince! He already knows what happens when he does. But I want to see how he handles against the champion!" As the prince spoke the crowd roared loudly.

Lance gave a visible sigh of relief when he realized Lotor would not be his opponent. Grateful because he didn't think he would be able to take on Lotor.

"Let's get the show started!" Lotor would yell and raise his sword in the air before slashing it down onto a chain that was securing a door shut. Once the doors opened Prince Lotor made his leave, the now cracked doors squeaked open as the hinges moved. Heavy snarled breathing could be heard from within the dark room beyond.

"My god they've turned their champion into a monster." Lance would think to himself as he tried to peer into the dark room. The crowd had hushed as they waited in anticipation as to what was going to happen.

Lance stood in a fighting position ready to take on whatever this thing was. He would squeeze the brass knuckles in his hands tightly, the whip was around his shoulders

Soon an ear piercing scream shoots itself out of the room as the "Champion" stampedes out of its confined space. As it does Lance is able to see what the champion looks like. It looked like just a normal Galran, maybe slightly larger in build. The only difference Lance could see were this one's eyes were glowing red, not the typical yellow hue others have.

Lance would prepare for an attack when he notices small electrical shocks coming from a collar that is around the champion's neck, with each shock it's eyes would flicker. Soon the flickering would stop and it would lick eyes with Lance. Giving a literal growl before charging at him.

The two kept up a game of lunge and dodge where lance kept dodging out of the way of the champs lunges. Every now and then a punch is given to each other. Soon enough Lance figured out this pattern and saw an opening, punching him with the brass knuckles in the base of the jaw with all the force he could. The champ would stumble back in a daze. Using this to his advantage Lance would grab the whip and lasso it around his opponent, pulling hard flinging him into the wall.

Bringing the whip back to him Lance would look at the Galran as it lay by the wall. Seeming unconscious the Paladin would walk over to make sure he was okay. In doing so the Galran turned and lunged at the boy, pinning him to the ground with all his weight pressed on top of him, taking the air out of his lungs.

Lance felt the champion's fingers snake around his own neck and squeeze hard, blocking his air flow. With a choked gasp but getting notho lance would try and pry the hands off of his neck but there was no use. It took only seconds before his vision started to blur, but in that moment he remembered the collar his opponent wore. Reaching up the blue paladin grabbed a hold of the collar, getting shocked by the red lightning emanating from it as he yanked it off his neck.

In an instant the hands were off of his neck and he could breathe again. Taking a gasping breath he would roll out from under the larger Galran male, holding onto his now bruised neck. Choking and gasping for the air to fill his lungs. He turned his head to see the Galran look at him with normal yellow confused eyes before passing out and falling to the floor.

The crowd watched in confused wonder, then cheered for their new Champion.

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