Chapter 25

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Lance didn't know how long it was before he woke back up, but he was laying comfortably in his own bed.

He sat up slowly and looked around his dark and empty room as he rubbed his eyes awake. His memory was fuzzy prior from passing out. The last thing he could remember was his fight with Lotor and getting knocked to the ground with a gash on his arm.

Remembering that he looked at his arm, it was wrapped in bandage wrap nice and tightly but it didn't hurt. Unwinding the wrap he looked to see a long pink scar across his bicep.

"Huh, weird" He said to himself as he moved his legs off of the bed. "Wait... "

With wide eyes lance looked down and saw two legs. One human, and one metal prosthetic. It was the design he had drawn and made with Pidge.

"Holy cow, what the heck happened!"He exclaimed as he stood up with no problems. He took a few hesitant steps forward and didn't wobble or tip over.

He let out an excited laugh as he walked circles around his room. After a few laps he ran to his closet and grabbed our his signature outfit and put it on. Sitting down he slipped his shoes into his feet. Feet he couldn't believe he had both of his feet again. Lance was ecstatic.

Getting up with a start he made his way out of his room to go find his team. Wandering around the halls he found them all sitting in the Castles lounge area talking amongst themselves.

Once he entered the room all eyes jumped to him. Wide and in disbelief.

"Lance! You're awake!" Shiro said jumping up and over the lounge couch with ease as he grabbed the smaller man in a tight bear hug. Lance let out an exasperated breath as he got hugged tightly.

"Uh yeah what's going on. How long have I been asleep for?"

Allura and the others came rushing over to Lance and gave him a tight group hug. The only missing member being Coran.

"Hey is anyone gonna tell me what's going on?" Lance inquired.

Allura pulled away from the hug and spoke first.

"Lance you've been unconscious for two weeks. We've tried everything to wake you up but nothing worked. We've been trying to figure out what to do but we've exhausted all our options."

The Blue Paladin looked to his friends as they disbanded the hug and gave him space, the only one staying by his side was Shiro, which made Lance smile.

"Okay, so tell me everything that happened cau the last thing I remember was fighting Lotor when he broke into the Castle."

Hunk spoke up quickly. "Oh dude it was crazy, you'll have to see the security tapes, You went all ballistic on Lotor just like when you fought in the Galra ring. Shiro had to pull you away from killing him it was crazy!"

Lance furrowed his brow in confusion as he listened to Hunk.

"I don't remember any of that. The last thing I remember was getting knocked to the ground when Lotor hit my arm with his sword."

The team all gave looks to each other then back to Lance.

"That's all you remember?" Asked Keith. His brows furrowed tightly on his forehead. Which made Lance nod in answer

"Yeah... I only remember that."

"Let's watch the video and see if it jogs any memories." Pidge said as she ran to the other side of the room and pulled the footage up on their large Altean TV.

The group all walked over and sat on the large couch. Shiro resting his hand on Lances human leg. He was very touchy almost like if he had a hold of him he couldn't go anywhere. Which Lance though was sweet, so he rested his hand on top of Shiros own.

He moved his gaze up to the video pidge pulled up and played. It was the security footage from the hull of the ship.

Legless Lance fighting off Lotor, might impressively he might add. And then it got to the part everything was fuzzy. He watched himself get knocked down and wounded. His shouts to Coran as he hit Lotor, Coran getting stabbed.

This made Lance audibly gasp as he looked to Shiro with wide eyes. Shiro gave his leg a gentle squeeze and motioned for him to keep watching. So he did with worry on his face.

He saw how animalistic he became in his attack against Lotor. He watched as Shiro came in and tackled him to the ground and watched until he passed out. Then the video ended and he stared at the now blank screen.

" Is Coran?" He couldn't even finish his sentence as tears welled up in his eyes. Not looking at anyone but the screen.

Allura spoke up, "No Lance he's alright. We got him into a cryo pod and he's in good health thankfully."

Lance let out a sigh of relief and slouched into Shiros hold. His tears fell down his cheeks as he did so.

"This is all my fault. If ... If I had just given into Lotor none of this would have happened. The Galra wouldn't have attacked us like they did and Coran wouldn't have gotten hurt. I should have just let him kill me." He spoke softly as he started to cry. Pulling away from Shiros embrace he stood up and walked to the door only to be stopped by Keith blocking his path.

"This isn't your fault. The Galra would have attacked us either way Lance. If anyone is to blame it's me. I let you down I was a bad teammate and it got you captured. So blame me. Not yourself." Lance could hear the agitation in Keith's voice as he spoke. The mans gloved hands, fists against his thighs.

Shiro made his way over and rested his normal hand on the small of Lance's back. "It's no one's fault guys. If anyone is to blame, blame the Galra for even existing... Uh no offense Keith."

"None taken"

Shiro continued. "You fought hard Lance and were all so glad you did. Because if you didn't then we would have lost the best part of this team. You are our family Lance. I don't know what we would be able to do with out you."

Lance sniffed and wiped his nose with his sleeve and looked to Keith. "I never once blamed you for what happened. So don't beat yourself up about it. We're a team after all. We look out for each other." He spoke, cracking a small smile.

"Thank you guys so much for everything. And we can talk about the whole lion lance a little later, I wanna go find Coran."

They all nodded and let him leave to go find Coran in the medical wing where he always hung out. Tinkering with things.

The door to the medical wing opened and Lance stepped in and saw Coran crawled under a pod, repairing it.

"Coran!" Lance called out running over to the man who was like a weird uncle to him. Coran popped his head out and stood up just as Lance launched himself into a hug.

"Oh my boy! You're finally awake! It's good to see you." Coran smiled warmly and accepted the hug. Holding the Blue paladin tightly.

"I'm so sorry Coran. You got hurt. I couldn't stop him I'm so sorry." Lance cried into the fingers shoulder as he hugged him.

"Oh it's quite all right. You did what you could and that's all we could have hoped for. But we're both okay now and that's all that matters. Oh and I do hope you don't mind I put your new leg on while you were unconscious. Figured you'd might light to wakeup and be able to walk."

Lance nodded his head and stepped back from the hug. " Yeah it feels nice to walk thank you Coran."

The two chatted for a bit and Lance ended up getting coheresed into helping him fix the pods.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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