Chapter 16

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"SHIRO GO, I GOT THIS" Yelled a battling Keith as he clashed his sword with the purple prince's.

The Black and Red Paladins managed to infiltrate the Galra ship, while Green, Yellow and Allura, currently flying blue begrudgingly, fought the Galran outside with the Aid of Coran in the castle of Lions.

Pidge was able to hack into the ship and pinpoint which room they had lance in currently so Shiro and Keith were on their way to rescue him. On their way they encountered a very angry looking Lotor.

"You are never going to get your precious Paladin back!" The Galran Prince growled out as he fought against Keith. The two matching swings of swords as they fought. Keith spun and kicked him out of Shiro's way.

"Oh just shut it already" Keith growled back.

Taking his leave Shiro booked it down the hall, away from the two. Using the map Pidge gave him he found the room lance was in and opened the door. Rushing inside he paused.

He didn't see Lance. "Oh God Lance.... Where are you?" SHIRO stepped in farther and noticed the chain at the far end of the room and darted over. He saw the blue pool of water and a shadow underneath, not moving.

With no hesitation Shiro dived into the jelly-like substance, it wasn't the easiest to move around in but it wasn't impossible. He could feel a slight burning sensation on the exposed skin of his face and hands right away. He grabbed hold of the seemingly lifeless body and pulled him back out of the water, flinging him onto the grates. Shiro climbed out and knelt next to Lance's body.

He immediately began cpr and doing recitation breaths to push the fluid from his lungs. He plugged Lance's nose and placed his lips against his and forced the air into him.

It wasn't how he wanted their first kiss to go but if it saved his life he didn't quite give a shit.

Shiro's hands were shaking as he continued his movements of CPR, pushing his hands into his chest. Tears rolling down his cheeks as he quietly pleaded for Lance to wake up.

"Lance please you gotta wake up. The team needs you....I-i need you." Shiro cupped his hands around Lance's face as he knelt over him. The room was silent except for the distant sounds of his team fighting against the Galra. His helmet was discarded beside the two as he leaned down and pressed their foreheads together.

"Lance... You gotta wake up...I have to tell you how I feel." Shiro's dark grey eyes scanned over Lance's still face as he leaned in, placing his lips against his cold ones.

Shiro leaned back and wiped his tear stricken face and screamed in anguish. His low sound cut into the emptiness of the room. The rest of the paladins pause as they hear the sound through their helmets, Shiro having forgotten to turn his mic off.

The Leader of the Lions, stands up and bends down to pick up his fallen companion, and untold lover. But as he reaches for him, the still body lurches forward as coughs eminate from his chest. The blue jelly liquid spewing out and onto the floor.

Wide eyes Shiro falls back to his knees and rolls Lance onto his side to help aid him in getting the disgusting and harmful substance from his stomach and lungs.

Lance lay there, pale and shaking as blood from his raw throat trickle out of the corner of his mouth. His foggy looking blue eyes looked up and met with the furry shape of his Leader. His ears still clogged he couldn't hear anything, and his body hurt so much.

The weeks of torment and fighting for his life finally hitting him at full force. He reached up weakly and grasped the collar to Shiro's space suit as he passed back out.

His body had lost the normal weight mass he normally had and he was so skinny. Not to mention his missing leg.

Despite all of that Shiro smiled in relief and cried as he lifted him into his arms. Sliding his helmet back into his head he contacted his team.

"Lance is alive."

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