Special Chapter-Part 2

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My next bxb book is going to be an M-Preg. Would you guys like that?


Jordan was a very observant guy. The only thing he failed to observe was his nosiness. He knew everything about everyone and then he wonders why people don't trust him with shit; he is the embodiment of black mail.

That sounded way more racist than intended but it still works.

As always when Jordan wants to pry I pretend to be dumb, "I got drunk and slept over at Bryan, why?" I pretend to be curious.

"Are you sure you just slept?" He leans in with that dark smirk.

A chuckle pulls our eyes away and to the steps, "It's seven in the morning, why are you bullying Tree?"

Bryan ascends the steps and walks up to the us before sliding his arm around my waist.

He kisses my cheek and I smile shyly, "Why are you acting like I didn't inform you already J?" He turns to scowl at his nosy friend. "Is your relationship that boring you seek excitement in ours?"

Jordan slaps his hand over his chest and theatrically stumble to the ground, "Excuse you, I am dating a Jamaican, every day is a fiesta." He boasts.

"Where is she?" Dave asks the love sick puppy who is cleaning the floor with his white shirt.

Jordan sits up with a scowl, "Maybe in the cooking department, she is on the team for the festival today." He boasts once again making us gag.

Dave nods and turns to us. "Since when did you two become a thing?" He tilts his head.

"The same day you were getting a prostate checkup." Jordan jokes and the quarterback kicks him to the floor once again.

Bryan smiles at Jordan spluttering like a fish, "This is why I regret calling you J, I was going to tell the whole team."

Dave hums, "Can we go to the auditorium now for awards?" He starts to walk away before any of us could reply.

Bryan walks off first pulling me behind by my jacket.

"Where is your posh boyfriend Cap?" I ask since usually Alex would stick to Dave at every chance he could get.

Jordan runs up to us to swing his arm over Dave's shoulder, "That's why he is so quiet. His boyfriend has an entry exam later today so they won't get to spend much time at the festival." Jordan pinches his best friend's cheeks.

I shrug, "Well that's fine, as long as he's here to watch you collect your award and shit."

Dave sighs, "That's if he finishes early."

We arrive into the auditorium and find seats in the back where the rest of the football team sprawls out. Many of them were asleep as the alcohol from Friday was still causing massive headaches.

Bryan sits down on a chair in the corner and Jordan passively sits in the chair beside him and grins at me. I scowl but prepare to sit on the other side when Bryan pulls me by my wrist and I stumble into his lap with my feet hanging over Jordan's trousers.

"Get your feet off of me." Jordan pushes my feet down so I was bent up in the corner on Bryan's lap with my back to the wall and my shoulder to his chest. Basically bridal style.

"You good?" Bryan asks and it took everything in me to not slap the shit out of him.

Instead I turn to him with a scowl, "Do I look ok?"

Bryan chuckles and proceeds to pull me further to his chest so I have more leg room and which allows me to lean back comfortably with my head on his broad shoulders.

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