Chapter 8: 《Templeton's》

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They were currently in the underground garage at Alex's house and Dave was, well, he was freaking out.

"I can't do this babe, I'm not even properly dressed." He shouts at his boyfriend who was scrolling through his phone.

He looks up with a frown, "Listen. I'm gonna count to five and if you aren't out of this car you'll regret it." He states coldly.

Dave rolls his eyes, "You won't even let me touch you, it would be your punishment." He mumbles with his hands folded.

Alex clearly hears this and scowls, "Get out the car Dave, we'll talk about that later."

"Who the fuck is Dave? My name is baby." He shouts at his boyfriend who smirks.

Alex walk over to the other side of the car and open the door for his lover, "Ok baby get out the car and I'll get you anything you want." He bribes.

Dave looks up his boyfriend's gorgeous face and grins, "Anything?"

Alex nods and Dave climbs out the van and places his hand in his.

"I want a hamburger, a good one and pizza since I've been eating more salad than meat." He frowns and Alex laughs with a nod.

Dave goes to walk off but Alex stop him, "Now gimme a kiss." He smirks. Dave rolls his eyes and places his lips unto the latter and goes deeper as the seconds pass by. Dave pulls away when he feels a hand gripping his ass through the sweatpants.

"No." Dave whispers sternly even though he was out of breath. Alex only shrugs and turns around with one hand still around his boyfriend's waist.

They walk into the white mansion that looked like an apartment building. There is a huge double door to the entrance and probably hundreds of windows on display even though you couldn't see inside.

When they step inside, Dave is marveled at the sheer sight of the grand living room alone. There is no staircase which is odd. Before he could observe the room any longer the large bookshelf that is placed on the left side of the room opens up and two women who looked to him in the middle of a laugh step out.

The first one Dave noticed is a tall light skin lady who wore a white button up shirt with the sleeves cuffed and slacks. Her feet are bare only for the grey ankle socks that warm her toes. Her hair is up in a small bun and the watch on her hands glisten in the light.

"Who is this?" The tall lady asks her son when she realizes that another person is in the living room.

The other lady by her side slaps her hand as if to tell her to watch her tone, "Have manners Kayden."  'Kayden' gasps.

"That hurts Chanelle." She whines playfully and the other lady known as Chanelle smiles at the stranger and waves slightly.

Chanelle has bright pink hair and she stood in peach sweatpants that stopped at her ankle and a band t-shirt. She has bright blue eyes compared to her wife's green eyes and dark black hair.

Alex clears his throat and pushes Dave forward, "Mom, Momma, this is my boyfriend Dave Willow. The boy I was telling you about." He smiles and Dave bows his head awkwardly before he regains senses and holds out his hands for them to shake.

"Oh the football quarterback." Kayden grins and winks at her son.

Chanelle looks at her wife and son curiously, "So you told her about a crush before you told me?" Kayden only laughs and hugs her wife by her side.

Dave looks at the happy couple and grins.

Kayden notices and turns her attention to him, "So what makes you think you're worthy of my son?" She tries to keep on a stern face but fails as she bursts into laughter. "I'm sorry." She laughs loudly and Chanelle hits her over and over at the older one's antics.

"Sorry for the brat, Dave but she isn't used to our first son bringing home anybody." She grimaces when she still sees her wife bent over in a laughing fit.

Alex chuckles beside Dave and brings him closer to his side.

Kayden stands up straight once again and Dave notices how her features matches Alex's entirely.

"I'm sorry Dave we can do this again at dinner. I'm going to head out now." Kayden smiles politely and Dave nods with a smile. The more masculine lady kisses her wife and leaves with a pair of Adidas slippers on her feet.

In seconds they are in the elevator. The number four lights up after Alex roughly pushes the button in. It starts to move up and within seconds they are on the fourth floor. The floor is white and has the feel of a hotel. There are three doors on the floor, all white and pristine.

"Whose rooms are these?" Dave asks as he tightens his hold on Alex's arm.

Alex only tilts his head down and points at this first door, "This is my sister's room." He smiles and then he points to the second door closer to the main one, "That's my brother's room." He grimaces "And this," he opens the last door on the floor that stands in the middle of the hollowed floor "Is mine."

The room is three times larger than Alex's living room. The floor is tiled white with light grey furniture such as dressers and bookshelves. On a large glass shelf is hundreds of trophies, none athletic wise though.

There is a flat screen television facing the bed and a mirror that is slanted slightly showing a large walk-in closet with clothes scattered on the floor. In the corner of the room is a chair filled to the brim with clothes.

"You are messier than I thought Alex." Dave smiles as he watches his boyfriend sit on the edge of his bed that had dark navy blue sheets thrown all over the queen size mattress.

Dave shrugs, "I don't know, probably because you have two moms. I thought women were naturally hygienic." He shrugs.

Alex rolls his eyes and beckons his boyfriend over with his pointer finger and Dave complies sitting beside him nervously. "My mom only curses at us to clean our room. She is the laziest person ever but she finds the strength to tell us how lazy and nasty we are." He grins.

"Who is your actual mom?" Dave blurts out.

Alex looks at the boy weirdly before understanding what he meant, "The one that looks more masculine than the Male community." He smiles lovingly.

Dave's eyes widen, "She had all of you?" He questions.

Alex shook his head slowly, "She wanted to have a child of her own so she birthed me and momma had Jonathon and Kadia."

Dave remembers how Kayden Templeton had dark features but is clearly lightskin and then he looks at his tanned boyfriend, "So you are black."

Alex nods.

"I always wondered how you were tanned every season while I looked like unseasoned fried chicken." He chuckles and Alex joins.

"So just like your Thanksgiving meals." Alex jokes and Dave punches him in the arm and mutters a 'rude'. "Yeah am part black and Mexican. I don't say the 'n' word though because I have very white brother who repeats everything said to him." He chuckles with Dave grinning widely beside him.

In the twenty minutes they found themselves turned in different directions on the bed as they talked.

Dave found out that Mrs.Kayden used to live in the hood and sold weed to other teenagers and Mrs.Chanelle was a first timer and she bought it for a party. The pink haired lady invites her into the party and it seems a spark set a flame and they had sex . Kayden never called until a few months later Chanelle interned at a local hospital and had to look after a gun shot wound woman who turned out to be Kayden.

After the story Dave was mesmerized by The Templeton's love history. He even started to think that if his parents had so much patience they could be together as well but fairytale endings were for suckers.

Alex slides down from where he lays and pulls Dave into his lap with a smirk.

"Enough talking baby, let's have some fun." He grins.

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