Chapter 16: Finality

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It is now graduation. The sky was dark as clouds wallowed in self pity and students cried on their friend's shoulder and their face stained like mercury. The students in the preppy private school got their acceptance letters a few hours earlier and it amused Alex to watch as the cheerleaders cried rivers into their white graduation gown. 

His arm slung over Dave's slack shoulder as he dozed off slowly from the mass picture taking. Their year books open casually as students walk up to them and sign it, some girls with blushes coating their cheeks and boys who idolized the two. Dave's cap was slightly over his eyes to hide his droopy eyes from his dad who was busy taking pictures of the tired footballer. 

"Come on Dave, one more and then you can leave." Mr. Wilson coaxed with his daughter balancing on his hips. 

"Dad," Dave groaned and pushed his face into Alex chest "Why cant you be like Alex's parents, they left about an hour ago to their vacation." He fans him away. Alex chuckles at his mild tantrum and rubbed his back soothingly. 

Mr.Wilson passed his daughter into the arms of Jordan before turning back to the lazy couple, "I just wanted to thank you again Alex for treating my son-no- us so great for the pass three months." He smiled before slapping his son shoulder , "And thanks for taking him to paris for the spring break." He smiled genuinely at the taller male. 

Dave rolled his yes at his dad because he has thanked Alex approximately a hundred times since he got the invitation. 

Dave turned his head to the side and Alex gripped his waist tighter, "Dad, we have to go to Alex's to finish packing for the cabin; you can gush about Alex later." He smirked making Alex chuckle-the vibration making Dave blush.

Mr. Wilson rolled his eyes,  "You are always off in a rush now a days, never spending time with me. I could die any minute." He grumbled as he took his daughter and secured her on his arm. 

"At least you'll have me." Alex smiled brightly at the older man. 

"That's why you are my favorite Alex." He grinned as he walked out the compound and to his car "And remember to call me when you arrive."

Dave eased from Alex's warmth and waved goodbye at his dad and blew a kiss to his little sister.

The duo sat in Alex's range rover and sped away from the school without looking back, on their way to the large mansion that stood high like pillars at the top of the town. 

Alex looks away from the road for a split second to find Dave immersed in his phone. "What could possibly be taking your attention from me right now?" He grinned making Dave turn off the phone.

The quarterback turned in  his seat to look at his handsome lover, "Is it that surprising to know I have other interest than staring at you all day?"

The scholar shrugged nonchalantly the moment they turn into the driveway, heading to the electronic gate. "Interest? I thought it was your dream since you couldn't stp reaching for the stars."

"And you believe you're my star." Dave deadpanned 

Alex grunted playfully before parking the car, he turned in his seat in the complete darkness to give his full attention to his beloved. "As long as I live I will try to be the brightest thing you posses." 

The footballer's cheeks burned with the fury of a thousand rose garden before he scoffed from embarrassment, "Are you trying to fuck me or something?" 

Alex chuckles at his lover's boldness before kissing his rosy cheek briefly, "Come on, help me pack so we can leave before Jordan and get the bigger room." 

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