Chapter 5: 《Beach》

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Its warm here. The rush of water slapping against the rocks creating a soft melody with the soprano birds. The sun is mild
Just enough for the water to be perfect for relaxation.

"Why did you take me to a beach?" Dave asks.

His hand is entangled with Alex's since the nerd claimed that people would hit on them because they were hot dudes.

Underneath the scowl that the jock gave the nerd he was actually ecstatic to hold his hand as he never saw him being affectionate with anyone else at school.

Well, no one other than Christian Evergreen.

"I took you here because beaches are fun and it's a good place to stroll and talk right?" He asks with a blank face and Dave nods.

They begin to stroll in the sand barefooted as the wind blew their hair gently.

"I actually brought you here because I wanted to know the real Dave, other than the football loving jock and the man whore."

"I'm not a whore!" He huffs.

"Then who are you?" He responds without missing a beat.

Dave doesn't answer as he didn't have a true definition of who he was. He only has the basics of a average human being.

"I am quite smart even though society perceives me as a dumb jock. I love video games and chicken." He says briefly and Alex halts as well.

Alex turns to face the pale boy and his lips tugged upwards, "I ask you who you are and you say you love chicken." He grins and a smile tugs upon Dave's lips.

"Did that offend you vegan?" He says teasingly and begins to walk again, ignoring the nerd's antics.

The conversation is cut short when Alex leads Dave to the end of the beach and almost into the ocean. They stop when they are in front of a cave like opening that stood a little above the waters. Alex easily climbs in and helps the shorter male inside.

'It's quiet here',Dave notices. He also observes that once he is in the cave, there's an atmosphere of tranquility.

"How is your relationship with you parents?" Alex asks nonchalantly, as if he asked what time it was.

Dave splutters and looks at the black male with wide eyes, "What nudged you to ask that?" He asked bewildered.

Alex shrugs, "Easiest way to know someone is by their relationship with the people who grew them right?" He asks as if it was the most common thing known to mankind. "I'll go first since you are shy."

"I live with my moms who own Templeton Industries. It's one of the greatest wine industries ever but I still think wine is horrid. Our relationship is pretty great actually since they try their best to make sure that I am happy." Alex says easily as if he wasn't living the dream of many love deprived kids in the world.

Dave growls at the boys oblivion to common human social skills and sigh, "My relationship with my dad is great. He is like a friend more than a parent." He smiles at the mention of his sole provider.

"What about your mom?"

"The fact that I specified my dad means I clearly don't want to talk about my mom." The jock huffs out a breath and begins to chip away at his nails which Alex clearly sees.

"What about your mom?" He inquires again.

Dave rolls his eyes and begins to stand up but Alex pulls him down onto him so he was sitting across the taller man's lap.

Dave stares at the incredulous man who only smiles as if to say 'go on', so he complies. "My mom walked out on us because she claimed that she wasn't living up to her full potential living with a....poor man. My dad is not poor but compared to the other men that she was with in her younger days. She wanted to settle for more so she left us and ran." The jock rambles as he pushes his nails into his palms.

Alex holds the boy and grips him on his waist slightly, forcing him to look at him as he spoke the next words.

"She never even waited until Adriana was brought home, she left her in the hospital and only wrote a letter saying that she wishes I never turned out to be the disappointed I was doomed to be." The jock whimpers, pathetically. His brown eyes stare at his palms to avoid those sympathetic green eyes.

Alex exhales loudly and interlaces their fingers. Glossy irises meet one's of frustration and sympathy.

Alex stares at the man who wears a deep frown.
"Baby," he whispers and ironically a faint blush coats Dave's cheeks. "It doesn't matter what she thinks because she chose to leave you. You are a wonderful person and shouldn't be put down by someone who gave up the honor of nurturing you. You will not be a disappointment whether she say so or-"

His speech is cut short when Dave presses his lips on his tanner ones. He's shocked for a second but he smiles and engulfs him into a hug while kissing him back. Dave allowed the male to guide the kiss but when he felt him pressing further into his body, he knew he truly liked the feeling of the nerd dominating him.

Alex immediately holds the younger male roughly by his waist and pushing him closer to his chest, before breaking away.

"Let's go to my car." He pants feverishly.

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