Chapter 2: 《Classroom》

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Alex Templeton. He wasn't just the tallest dude at Westward, he was the richest. His overbearing confidence and large ego was fueled by being smarter than his peers. This, in turn, helped to give him his title of being a 'nerd', when he fitted the 'bad boy' trope more.

Well, that and those fucking glasses - One of his few 'nerd-like' features. Even though they were dropped a while back(for the most part),the title never left.

Now back to our protagonist: Dave is fidgeting in his seat. It was almost noon and he eagerly awaited the sound of the lunch bell. He just wanted to stuff his face and forget about the events of last night

His mind recalls when he scrolled through Alex's Instagram, and he chose to ignore the memory of the second boner he had to get rid of.

A groan escaped his lips as he walked out of his class, a few minutes earlier. 'Can't learn on an empty stomach anyway', he reasoned as he headed towards the lunch room. He remembered his friend, and decided he was either in the locker room or the classroom nearby.

He really should have gone to the locker room.

He opened the door but before he could say "Jor-", his hazel eyes fell upon the sight of a passionate lip lock session between Alex Templeton and Christian Evergreen. Alex's hands ran over the twink's smaller body roughly, pushing him further on the desk. Christian was very compliant, even assisting to remove Alex's belt when they pulled away for air.

"Oh shit."

The two boys instantly looked over to Dave, said boy growing warm with embarrassment. Christian, decided he was no longer needed, left the room quickly after being discovered.

Alex scoffs in annoyance. He secures his belt around his pants, walking over to Dave.

"What do you want?" He asks seriously and leans a hand on the wall, completely towering over the quarterback.

"I-I just-"

"You just what?" He mocked. "Why don't you go back to your little football buddies, I know this is the only period you jocks can stay awake in." He smirks mischievously, pushes Dave out the way with small force and exits the room.

A few minutes later, the official lunch bell rang, effectively bringing Dave back to reality.

This encounter wasn't like the other, he was slightly pissed now.

The cafeteria is louder than the locker room, an uncommon occurrence and Dave takes it to note. He eats his hamburger slower than normal, worrying Jordan.

"What's up bro?" The dark skin asks with a hand over a Jamaican girl.

Here we have Shea Andersen. One of the most beautiful girls in the school. She doesn't follow regular white cis protocols and supports everyone. She is a great cook and dancer but revolts at the idea of homework. 

"Do you know of a Christian Evergreen?" He asks curiously and tries to keep his face relaxed. Jordon could always smell something fishy.

He takes a bite of his chicken leg  before humming to himself, "Yeah that bad dye job of a twink."

"We don't call people 'twinks' J, it's disrespectful." Shea slaps him across the head as she bites her homemade chicken as well.

"Yeah but he literally wore a shirt the other day labeling himself." He says as he glares at his girlfriend with a side eye.

Dave takes another bite of his hamburger and groans under his breath. Something was eating at him and it wasn't good. He had only met the kid once before. He gave him his own shirt when the twink messed up his.

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