Chapter 3: 《Kiss》

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Alex stands at the door with one hand holding the black iPhone and the other in his pocket.

"You have ten seconds to leave before I publish this video with you saying the n word and other racist slurs." Alex speaks with no emotion and it does the trick because in a second the red head grabs her crop top off the floor and is out the room.

Alex watches her leave before looking up at the two shocked bestfriends.

"You guys need a ride?"

"Yeah am going to use the bathroom first." Jordan sighs.

Alex nods and tell them to meet him at parking lot B before walking out the room ,leaving the two boys.

"How do you know you're gay?" He asks Jordon bluntly before he could push the words back in his throat.

Jordon pauses from going in the stall and turns around to face his friend, "Is this about you failing to get a hard on for women?" He asks instead of answering.

Dave shakes his head but then realize he would have to explain that Alex was and is affecting his sexuality so he nods after a while.

Jordon thinks for a moment before replying, "Don't knock it till you try it I guess." He shrugs before walking in the bathroom section of the locker room to do his business.

The two boys found themselves in Alex's expensive sleek silver Range Rover. Dave in the front and Jordon in the back.

Jordon and Alex converse like two long time buddies but Dave stays quiet.

This is unknown territory. He has never been in Alex's jeep. He never even touched it for the sake of keeping his sanity.

The ride is never silent, filled with laughter from the two older boys who talk about some basketball game that Dave has no interest in.

Then the vehicle come to a stop twenty minutes later and Jordon hits him on the shoulder as a goodbye. Dave smiles weakly because he now knows that he has to be in a car alone with Alex for ten more additional minutes.

The time goes by quickly with awkward glances from Dave and the occasional singing of a few lyrics from Alex. Then they are at Dave's middle class, two story home.

"Thank you." Dave says under his breath and begins to open the door but the locks on the door shoot downwards.

He is locked inside.

He looks over at the curly headed man with wide eyes when he sees him gazing through the slightly tinted window.

"Can you open the door please?" Dave asks politely.

Alex turns his head and focuses on the jock, "No."

Dave mouth opens and closes similar to a fish but he gives up trying to make sense of the situation and leans back into the comfortable caramel leather.

"I've always liked you quarterback." Alex says with a small smile.

Dave gulps at the innocent confession. He has never been confessed to by a man before, much less a good looking one.

"When you first started Westward as a scholarship student , you didn't care that practically everyone here swam in money. You only focused on your friends and school, that's what made you so special." His smile increased at the brunette.

Dave only planned to glance at the tall boy but instead he is pulled into his gaze and he cannot say a word, silently begging the boy to continue.

"Only you kept sleeping around with girls and I watched you. I watch you have that satisfied look for more minutes before you slowly dissolve in agony." Alex chuckles, his single dimple very prominent.

Dave blinks slowly at the boy, "I wasn't in agony, you're just looking for justification for being a stalker." He says bitterly, yet his teeth threaten to bite the lie off his tongue.

Alex hums in disagreement, "Since I am lying, tell me you are satisfied with your sex life....your love life." He leans in closer to the brunette.

Dave chokes on his words that were once fluent and that only makes Alex's grin brighter.

"You aren't even my type. I usually go for pretty boys with less muscle and skinny. You aren't very pret-"

"Then why do you have me locked in your car telling me you like me?" Dave says, annoyance vaping through the air.

Alex leans closer to the other male, inches away before he smirks.

"Because I want you. You are what I need and I get what I want. " He smirks and something flashes in his eyes. "Kiss me Dave." He leans closer.



And Alex Templeton kisses him square on his full pink lips with both passion and exertion. Dave dares not to pull away from the kiss when Alex's hand grips his neck and forces their mouth together. Dave doesn't know where to put his hands so he rests them in his lap and Alex smiles at that.

Alex swipes his tongue against Dave's lower lip but Dave refuses to give up the dominance he is used to having. Alex uses the hand on his neck and moves it to the front before choking him rather roughly.

Dave gasps and Alex immediately takes the opening to swipe his tongue over his, Marking his territory. Dave moans unconsciously and Alex pulls away with a knowing smirk and slightly bruised lips.

"I'll see you tomorrow Dave. " Alex opens the door and Dave doesn't know when he is standing in the driveway. All he knows is he's watching the expensive car speed off the down the road.

He pulls out his phone with a ghost like behavior and typed a few words.

'I tried it.'

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