Chapter 9: 《Touching》

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Alex's smile slides off his lips and his grips tightens his hand on his boyfriend's waist.

"What do you mean no?" He repeats again and Dave only sighs and looked anywhere but the raven haired male. "Hey look at me." Alex grips the boy's chin so he was forced to look at him.

Dave's eyes grew morbid as he stares at the curious green eyes, "I don't want you to touch me." He whispers, never breaking eye contact.

Alex pulls back slightly and let's go of the sharp jawline. "Is it because I jerked you off? Did I move too fast?" He asks with a blank expression and Dave grows angry because now is the moment that the dark haired male should atleast frown.

Instead of speaking Dave shakes his head no.

"Then what?" Alex asks curiously.

Dave sucks up all the courage and bravery before he opens his mouth slowly, "Everytime we do anything sexual you never allow me to touch you and I'm beginning to think you don't want me to." He whispers calmly with an emotion ridden voice.

Alex eyes soften, he sighs before he runs a hand through his curls. "That's my own insecurity." He groans out, nothing above a decibel.

"So you have a small dick, it's cool. I still like you even if its miniature and looks like finger sausages." Dave rambles on but stops when he sees an absurd look on his lovers face.

Alex pushes his back to the headboard with little to no effort even though he had the football quarterback in his lap. He uses both his hands to grip and massage the jock's sweatpants covered thighs.

"I don't have a small dick." He starts off looking offended. "I just thought that," he stops and sighs before looking into those brown bright orbs. "I thought after you've seen me and touched me you would leave like you do to the others." He says barely above a whisper but Dave hears him clearly.

Dave doesn't reply instantly but he pecks the older boy's pink lips. Alex let's him kiss him again while he does nothing but receive the small pecks.

"I won't leave you like I did the others. I actually like you Alex and I want to see where this goes." He smiles at the male and Alex reciprocates it with a passion filled kiss.

The hands on the boys thighs grip harder as he pushes himself up so he could feel friction on his hardening cock. Dave takes the first step by pulling the buttons on Alex's shirt. He pulls away from the kiss and pants desperately as the shirt leaves his body and his muscles are on display, the sun taking luxury to kiss his skin.

Dave bites his lip at his boyfriend's chest and smiles when their eyes connect and he could see the lust swirling like a pool in the deep green. He pulls off his shirt and throws it across the room and Alex's hands immediately goes to rub his chest.

"You're so beautiful baby." He smirks at him. Dave blushes at the innocent words and he could feel the brush of busy hands sliding against his abdomen. He looks down to find Alex pulling the strings of his sweatpants. He swiftly pulls the pants off as well as his underwear.

He sits stark naked in Alex's lap and the latter grins before he clashes their lips together once again and immediately sticks his tongue inside the jock's warm mouth. His hands glide down to the man's ass and he squeezes the naked skin making Dave moan into his mouth.

One of Dave's hands leaves Alex's neck and encircles around his thick cock. He pulls it a few times before Alex slaps his hand away and replaces it with his own. He nearly spasmed when his thumb presses into his slit instead of rubbing his hand up and down like he always does.

Alex pulls away from his lips and studies the boy who has his eyes closed as he moans at the pain.

"You like pain don't you?" He asks and Dave couldn't answer because the hand on his waist tightened, along with the one on his cock. "You aren't a masochist but you like when it hurts a little don't you. I slapped your ass last week but you hated that." He grins to himself when he begins to stroke the boy's thick cock and he moans louder into the air.

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