Chapter 12: 《Sterotypes》

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In society nerds are seen as these geeks who wear large framed glasses and brown vests matched with khaki pants. They're supposed to be outcasts and have a maximum of one friend. They get pushed around by the jocks. They are what we know of as nerds.

Alex Templeton was no stereotypical nerd. Yes he wore glasses with thick lenses, but only when he is reading a book or in the confines of his room. He doesn't wear khakis and vests because his birth mother would never allow him to, and quite frankly it wasn't his style. He didn't get pushed around by jocks because they didn't fit their stereotypes from movies and books. The real bullies aren't the rich or popular, it's that low self esteem student who believed that no one would have accepted him. So he acts out and preys on the kids who are so bloody scared to ruin their records that they accept the stray punches.

Wesley Thomas, a perfect description of that bully. He was quite overweight but taller than a small fraction of the school. He wasn't unattractive but he deemed himself unworthy the moment he got roasted with a fat joke back in middle school.

He picked on tiny kids who couldn't defend themself and found enjoyment this. Although many would be puzzled to see the tears on his chubby cheeks, as he cried his heart out in his car after school.

Alex saw it, right before the game actually.

The tall fellow was never truly a person of heart and only showed his carefree nature to his ex-boyfriend and family. So it surprised him greatly when he knocked on the boy's window.

There he learnt that he liked this girl and she liked him too, but she learnt of what he did and cursed him out.

Alex slapped him and called him a pussy.

He then advised the boy to man up, apologize to all the people that he hurt, and then apologize to the girl. Which wouldn't be a lot because he had specific people who he tormented.

Throughout his whole presidential speech, Alex realized that he could use his own advice and stop acting like a pussy himself. He needed to apologize to Dave and beg for forgiveness.

He was going to, he swore, just not so soon.

Now he didn't have a choice because his gorgeous ex-boyfriend was in front of him with a gym bag, standing stiffly infront of him in the library.

His hair was tossled and damp from his shower. His hoodie had a small jelly stain from the time they were making out and he forgot that he had an open sandwich. His jeans hugged his form perfectly, showing off his thick calfs. Overall, even as tired as he looked, he was still the most beautiful man Alex had ever seen.

He closed the book he was reading, something about physics - he forgot. "What are...."

"Shut up." Dave snapped and they could hear a loud 'shhh' throughout the library, even though they couldn't be seen. "Shut the fuck up you old hag." Dave shouted and the old lady gasped before the squeaky door of her office opened and closed.

Alex's left eyebrow shot up at his fuming ex and he squeezed down harder on his pencil.

Dave stared in Alex's confused eyes with a scowl, "You need to shut up and let me talk, for a change."

Alex nodded.

Dave jolted at this because Alex was never one to be compliant. "I don't do relationships, I never did. You basically forced me into one the moment you kissed me because I knew I was a goner." He said with the scowl still permant on his full pink lips.

Alex said nothing and Dave appreciated his modesty.

"I never wanted this." He huffed. "I was just confused because my brain was messed up and I couldn't even get aroused at the touch of the prettiest girl in school and I got a raging boner from you looking at me from a distance." He whispered as his voice lost it's stern tone.

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