Chapter 15: Intercourse

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Dave would never understand how people say that the ocean offered tranquility and a they felt a sense of humility washed over them. For Dave willow the ocean was chaotic and the fact that only five percent of it was explored pushed upon his nerves.

With this in mind Dave stays up at night and wonders why he allowed Alex to pull him somewhere completely unexplored, in the back of his Rover. They barely spoke two words to each other in school and in days they formed a greater connection than ever seen before. Dave Willow has never been with a boy and yet when the thought of Alex completely taking control of his body he felt compliant, not submissive, but alright with giving up slight remanence of control.

As a football captain and quarterback he was trained to always be in control of a situation and yet not even a minute he's whimpering like a bitch in the richest boy's lap in the back his van. Probably why he felt it was already to be with Alex more intimately than just stray kisses and hand jobs. It was ok to give someone the reins sometimes.

Dave slapped his friend on the shoulder, "You need to leave right now!" He screeched with panic eyes.

Jordan scuffed before he walked out the room and down the stairs. He opened the door to a sweaty Alex with a supreme bag thrown over his shoulder.

"Jordan, I never knew you were going to be here." He smiled happily at the male.

Jordan shrugs and his lips graze with a small smile, "I was just studying with Dave, he'll be down in a minute. I was actually going to leave." He pushed out because he truly wanted to leave the Willow's residence before Dave's horniness skyrocketed.

Alex's face contours into a frown immediately, "You can just chill with us, there is no problem." He reasoned but Jordan's eyes only bulged wide before he rushed out and shout a bye to the tall fellow.

When Alex walked into the house he is met with a stampede of rushed footsteps before he is met with the pale skinned male he called his boyfriend.

Dave skipped the steps with ease before draping his cold body into Alex's warm body of muscles.

"Hey, I missed you." He pulled away but Alex's strong hold still ran against the slim material that hugged his upper body.

Alex scoffed at his puppy like nature, "You saw me this morning babe." He ran his hand through Dave's slightly damp hair.

Dave completely ignored this and pecked his boyfriend's lips which turned slightly heated but opposed by Alex's warning bites. Dave pouted but pulled away from his boyfriend's lips. 

His brunette hair twinkled a little in  Alex's dark brown eyes, almost black, the sun was long gone in the small suburban area but you could still see the mirage in the small puddles from car exhaustion and the trapped lights in the back of car dents. The light that blasted from the small bay window created the hum of a shadow behind the pair and it pure.

The shorter of the pair pulled away and pulled at his merina shortly, "Want to watch a movie and then possibly make out?"

Alex gripped the barrister and held at his stomach with laughter, "You aren't even subtle no more babe." Though without much hesitation he walks over the couch and sat with his legs spread apart slightly.

Dave groans and he stared at the television which had a random movie paused. He never cared for the televised media, at the moment-no matter how bad it seemed, he wanted to get into his boyfriend's pants. 

So, without much thought and reasoning he strutted to the sitting area and swung his legs over the boy's taller limbs. He digs his knees into the cushions to completely straddle the boy and push his head further before he finally looked into his dark chocolate eyes. 

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