Chapter 11: 《Tonight》

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The heat was blasting in the Eastward Campus facilities. No one dreamed of coming out of the full AC rooms to touch the concrete lots and the grassy fields but many had no choice.

"What kind of pussy throw was that McKay?" Dave shouted from where he was situated in the middle of the blazing sun.

"Language Willow." Coach huffs a breath from where his place under the large oak wood tree.

Dave only rolled his eyes and got back to shouting at his lazy teammates.

Everyone was used to Dave Willow's behavioural change since that Wednesday morning three weeks ago. He got more aggressive in training though it helped winning all three games, breaking an opponent's arm from a rough tackle. The cheerleaders were roughly pushed away from him when they tried to talk to him and even some freshmen were scared of the new beast.

The only time he would remotely smile was when he was in the presence of his best friend but when Shea appeared he would leave to avoid seeing a happy couple.

His father had cornered him one evening and the quarterback told his father everything. The man only hugged his son and told him to stop allowing people to rule him.

Yeah, Dave Willow took that way too seriously.

The locker room cleared out leaving the two best friends in matching sweatpants and baggy gym shirts.

"Have you talked to Alex?" The darkskninned fellow mutters.

He regretted his words when the brunettes face hardened at the mention of his name. "So he could tell me he is better than me? no, am good." He murmured coldly.

Jordan hummed and stood up. "The team is getting worried Dave, you aren't you and it's getting out of control. You broke someone's hand!" He stressed.

Dave huffed out a sigh and turned to face his bestfriend, "Am I suppose to care?" He tilts his head.

"I don't give a fuck if you care nigga! You need to clean up your act and win this fucking game tonight, fair." Jordan breathed heavily and his fist clenched.

Dave looked down and saw the latter's fist and chuckled, "You acting like I haven't been winning games." He laughed and stepped closer to the older male. "Whether I win this game by the rules or not tonight, its basic common sense that the world isn't fucking fair and you can't have what you want." He shouted the last part and Jordan could see the unshed tears in his bestfriend eyes.

Any other friend would have  hugged their friend and told them that everything was ok.

However, Jordan was realistic.

"You a real pussy Willow." He said calmly.


"You fell in love and, like the bitch that you are, stopped fighting after the first wall presented itself. Think I haven't seen you avoiding Alex but at the same time giving him puppy eyes like you want him to notice you. Man the fuck up and talk to him or I'll make you." He seethed and Dave gulped in slight fear "See you tonight."

Tonight. The game. Well anticipated by all the football players of Eastward High. All the devil training the members had to go through finally payed off when the score board read: 87-56.

Everyone was screaming and partying on the field except the actual person who won them the game. Dave Willow slipped away from his team and trudged to the locker room, he got stopped by multiple scouts from colleges all offering a place on their team.

In total the boy had five business cards which he placed carefully in the side of his bag, intending to look on them later. The room is empty and filled with scattered clothes. He finally changed in a dark jeans, a white hoodie with no undershirt and a white Adidas sneakers.

He stepped out the smelly room and comes face to face with Kayden Templeton. The lady was obviously taller than him in her yellow button up shirt, dark jeans and yellow sneakers. Her hair was done in two cornrows which ended right under her shoulders.

"Good game out there."  She complimented and held out her hand for a fist bump showing off her diamond Rolex.

Dave looks at the fist bump and slowly brought his hand to hers. Mrs.Templeton noticed the awkward tension and clears her throat.

"Alex told me what happened and I- that's the dumbest shit I have ever heard." She grimaced at her son's choppy explanation of why he was crying at five in the morning.

"Well it would have been a postponed breakup right? He got it out the way." Dave shrugged like he didn't care, even though his eyes burned everytime said breakup was mentioned.

The dark haired lady blinked slowly at hummed before she scoffed, "Y'all are dumb asf." She wiped her mouth and cleared her throat at her minor outburst "Are you guys psychics?"

Dave shook his head and scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion.

"Then how the fuck do you know it won't work?" She shouted frustratingly with both her hands infront her.

"Because he said so." Dave grunted "Listen ma'am, even though I thought your son was committed, he wasn't actually committed. He believed that I was gonna leave so he had to leave before I had the chance. He just wanted one last high school  romance to fill the pages of his biography and too bad I fell too quickly." He said and there it was again, those pained red eyes.

"Am sorry to break it to you Dave but my son got my stupidity and controlling attributes. Under all that he is a little bitch in disguise and now you are going to go and talk to him because I am too old for his bitching." Mrs.Templeton sighed with aa hand in her pocket and the other fiddled with the hem of her shirt.

Dave scoffed, "I don't want to talk to him."

The light skinned lady chuckled and held her almost flat chest, "I wasn't asking Dave Willow. He's in the library, congratulations on your win." With that she left and from the corner of his eyes he could see the other Mrs.Templeton with pink hair leaning to give her wife a peck on the lips. Soon, they walked out of view.

Dave turned to walk out the building before he remembered Jordan wise words from earlier.

"You a real pussy Willow."

Dave Willow was no pussy and he will never be a pussy. He was too headstrong with too many leadership qualities to be identified as a pussy.

So with his headstrong attitude, and freshly showered body, he walked into the very empty library. Only the tired old librarian inside. The atmosphere became thick when he realized he was going to speak to Alex Templeton after three weeks of no contact.

Dave takes a deep breath and turned around the corner to the deepest section of the library and comes face to face with the dark head boy who he could write a whole book about and still wouldn't pass his face.

"Dave." He whispered confused.

"A-Alex." His voice broke.


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