Chapter 6:《Handjob》

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Alex pulls Dave onto his lap as he adjusted the seats so his long legs could withstand the pressure of his jock.

Dave moaned when he feels Alex hardening bulge beneath him. He never would have thought he's be the one to receive these extreme pleasures but here he was willingly grinding unto the nerd.

Alex hisses when he feels Dave latch unto his neck with feverish kisses. He grabs the brunette by the neck and force their faces to be together once again. He licked the Dave's bottom lip and received immediate response.

Their tongues clash together with heat. Alex's other hand grips the boy's belt and pulls it off with ease so he could push his jeans off. Dave pulls away from the kiss and watch as Alex removes tje item of clothing. He was up off his lap so it could slide under him leaving him in his loose, blue, plaid boxers.

"Fuck, I usually go for boys who love briefs," He smirks as he runs his hand up the boy's thick thighs "Panties?" He latches himself to his lover's neck, succeeding in placing a hickey.

Dave exhales a shaky breath and grips Alex's shirt as he sucks on his neck and rub his thighs soothingly. "I don't wear panties." He groans.

Alex hums and pulls away. "For you baby," He leans closer, his words a ghost on Dave's lips."You don't have to wear anything at all."
He kisses him fully and Dave wraps both his arm around his slim neck.

Dave moans involuntarily at the touch of cold finger tips caressing the tip of his thick cock. He breaks the kiss for a second to look down at Alex's slender fingers running up and down his cock through the slit of the boxers. Complete vulnerability.

He looks back up to the green eyes that stared at him, hazed with lust. Small puffs of air leaves the jock's lips and an idea struck.

Dave stares at the boy's eyes and smiles through his moans. He rocks his hips unto the boy's thick cock which his hidden beneath layers. Alex's mouth opens slightly at the sudden friction.

The hand on the thick shaft immediately speeds up and Dave moans out loud into the air and Alex grins at him as he secures his lips.

'Those sinful lips' Dave thinks as he begins to tremble into the kiss. The pit in his stomach already beginning to clench and spasm as he edges closer to climax.

Alex gives him one more squeeze at the base of his shaft and he cums with a moan of Alex's name. The nerd bites his lip at the completely display of vulnerability given to him and he smirks knowingly and gives the boy a kiss on his lips, deepening it.

"Shouldn't I return the favor." Dave pants out in exhaustion against the latter's bitten lips.

Alex pushes the boy's cock back into his boxers and shakes his head, "We can do that another time baby." He smiles.

Dave nods and looks out the window to the trees that covered the car perfectly, "So what are we now?" He frowns at the raven haired male.

Alex looks at him as if he was crazy and chuckles lightly, "I thought we were together since that first kiss." He bemused.

Dave gapes at his words and Alex chuckles again, Dave could feel the vibration from his hand placement around the boy's slim neck.

"Well many people kiss." He debates with a frown.

"And I wanna kiss you." He says with finality.

Dave blushes at this and tries to bury his face in the crook of the boys neck but a hand grabs his chin so the eye contact remained.

"I want you to kiss me, only." He whispers sternly. Dave smiles slowly at this and nods.

Alex leans in and kisses him again but they are interrupted by a phone ringing from the pocket of Dave's discarded jeans.

They pull apart with defiance and Alex brings the phone to his boyfriend's ear. Who answers with a small 'hello'. He listens keenly and then says a 'I understand' and hangs up.

"What was that about?" Alex asks curiously when the boy hops off his lap and struggles to put on back his bottom attire.

"My dad is going out for a meeting and needs me to take care of my baby sister." He grunts in annoyance.

Alex fixed his crumbled white top and wiped off the small clump of cum at the hem, "Why does it bug you then?"

"I wanted to study tonight but every time I have to look after her since the nanny leaves at a certain hour." He fixes his messy brunette hair.

"Then I'll look after her so you can study," He says nonchalantly without sparing the brunette a glance "Then I'll help you out in the library at lunch." He finally looks at the boy who looks in between happy and freaked.

Alex smiles at him and kisses him briefly. "Come on, you need to roll down the window so your dad doesn't notice the thoroughly fucked look." He says with no shame making Dave roll his big brown eyes.

The most expensive car parks into the Willow's driveway so obviously Leon Willow is  intrigued. He steps out the house to see his son stepping out the high vehicle. He doesn't spare him a glance only waiting for the stranger to come out the car as well.

When the older man's eyes settle on a much taller gentle man than himself he is surprise. On his property was a Templeton. His mouth gapes and goes directly to his son who only rolls his eyes at his reaction towards the younger lad.

"Good Evening Mr. Willow." Alex holds out his hand like a pure gentleman.

Dave watches the encounter and grimaces at his father's star struck gaze.

"And you must be Mr. Templeton." He grins with a polite shake.

Alex nods and assure the man to only call him Alex from now on.

"I'm your son's boyfriend." He adds on and Leon Willow wanted to hug his son for bagging a Templeton but he had to remain calm and collected.

"Oh that's lovely, nice to me you." He grins "I'll be leaving now." He walks out and pats his son on his back before leaving.

The couple runs up the stairs with Alex behind and they quickly enter a white nursery. A small baby is lying on it's back crying softly and Alex takes up the baby with ease as if he had enough practice.

The baby instantly stops crying and Dave stands shocked because Adriana is the CEO of crybaby.

"Go study, you have no excuses now." Alex grins at him and Dave nods and walk out the room to study the giant textbooks.

At 6:30pm when Dave finally finishes he goes downstairs to meet the television on and Alex lying on the couch on his bag and the baby wrapped up in a white blanket, snug on his chest.

In that second his father steps through the door and grins down at the sight and immediately throws his son a surprise high five. 

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