Chapter 4: 《Falling》

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Dave walks into his house dazed at what just happened. He is so into his thoughts that he doesn't realize his dad sitting on the sofa with a beer in his hand. The older man stretched his neck to look at his son who appeared out of this world.

"Are you ok Dave?"

Leon Willow: a father of two who busts his ass as a engineer for a small company. He could fix anything but his marriage.

Dave nods at the man and walks into the kitchen, knocking over the broom.

"I kissed a boy today." Dave admits, standing at the threshold and looking at his father.

Leon chokes on his beer and coughs for a few seconds before he admires the bottle on the glass centerpiece. The man looks over at his son with a confused expression.

"Since when do you fancy men?" Leon whispers incredulously.

Dave shrugs before he grabs an apple off the table and sits in the couch directly in front of his father. "I don't. I just fancy one." He grimaces when he finally admits it to himself.

Leon looks over at the television and leans back in the couch, "What's wrong then? Was the kiss that bad?" He chuckles at his son nervously because he knew the slightest mishap could detour the jock from any relationship.

"No it was great." He sighs sadly and takes a bite.

The older man nods and takes a sip of his beer. "Who is this fellow?" He asks curiously.

Dave sits up straight at the question but when he sees how persistent his dad was, "Alex Templeton." He whispers.

Leon sits up straighter than any man in the army with wide eyes and parted lips and then it turned to a grin, "Holy shit you bagged a Templeton!" He shouts with glee and Dave is left confused "Was it him that dropped you off in that rover?" He asks silently when he realizes he could wake the napping baby.

Dave nods and walks out the room when he hears whimpers from the monitor, too annoyed with his father to continue the conversation.

When he reaches upstairs and into the nursery he stands over a six months old baby named Adriana Willow. She has very short with patchy brown hair and beautiful grey eyes and tiny feet and hands.

The Jock picks up his delicate sister who whimpers from her father's shouts. He rocks her carefully and she instantly falls asleep in the man's warmth.


It was the next day and Dave wished he could fall asleep at the moment. He stood in the locker room, tired, sweaty and covered in sticky nasty substances. It was right after football training and coach wanted them to run in the mud to enhance stamina amd endurance.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Dave."

If it wasn't for that phrase, he wouldn't have hauled his body from the bench which was occupied by several other tired teammates. He stepped into the shower and scrubs his entire body, erasing every spec of dirt and sweat.

The whole day, Jordon refrained from smoking any cigarette because he was very hyped up on the drama that Dave explained to him this morning.

"That's why he dropped me home first even though I clearly lived closer to him."

The day felt long since he could only could only catch glances the dark haired nerd instead of actually going up to him. He avoided the library like a plague and rushed out of their shared classes. He even had a salad for lunch, just so he wouldn't smell like meat today.

When he begins to pack up his football bag Jordon corners him away from everybody, "Loverboy told me to make sure that you are at Lot B today." He smirks when he sees Dave stiffen and a blush envelopes his cheeks.

Dave nods, looking away from the excited fellow.

"Are you scared Willow, I would never take you for a bottom but......I can see it." Jordon laughs with a boom making head turns.

Dave, feeling embarrassed, walks out the room with Jordon right on his tail. When he steps out the back exit, he's face to face with the nerd himself, in all his 6'8 glory. He is quite muscular but not too big, he's on the leaner side of the spectrum in contrast to the bulkier guys at this school.

Today he is wearing a white polo shirt, black ripped jeans and white Adidas.

Dave stands ogling the hot piece of meat and doesn't even hear when Jordon says he's going to drive home with Tommy.

"Are you ready princess?" Alex smirks at the dazed, shorter man who is wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a blue shirt and black converse.

"Don't call me that." He growls out and avoids the hand that tried to reach around his shoulders.

Alex bounces back quickly and grabs the jocks's waist with a firm grip, his other hand forced his face upwards. "In this relationship I will call you whatever I please, but since you don't like princess I'll stick to baby hm?" He whispers, staring directly into Dave's eyes.

There was something thick between them and it wasn't just the tension.

Dave nods and Alex smiles wide. He removes his hands and places one over his shoulder, beginning to walk to parking lot B.

When they emerge into the open area many gave them curious looks, Alex ignores them but Dave fiddles with his thumb. Alex obviously sees this and squeezes his shoulder reassuringly.

He was falling for this egotistic brat wasn't he.

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