Chapter 7: 《Christian》

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It's been exactly two weeks since the arrangement that worked out perfectly for Dave. His feet carries him out of the examination room with Jordon by his side.

"Man I bombed that test." Jordon groans. "What about you bro?"

"I passed." Dave shrugs.

"Yeah right." Jordan laughs teasingly.

"No am serious. Alex helped me prep for two weeks for this exam." He gushed about his boyfriend.

Jordon stares at him with a smile, "Look at you bragging about Mr. Valedictorian himself." He punches the younger male playfully.

Dave rolls his eyes and pull on his bag straps with a smirk, "Remember all those months when you bragged about your little Jamaican sugar and I sat and listened."

Jordon gasps loudly, "You never complained!"

"No but I could write a sonnet about her eyes." He grins teasingly.

"Bet you could write a song about Templeton's hands." Jordon mocks from the conversation they had when Alex gave him a handjob in the back of his Range Rover.

They have had other sexual encounters after that. Alex gave him a handjob on the jock's bed, they made out in Dave's backyard on his lawn, Dave accidentally came in his pants when they were kissing and grinding on the living room couch.

As you can see from the observation. Alex has never actually been satisfied and whenever Dave asks to even give him a handjob he always decline.

"Probably his dick is small." Jordon had joked when he brought up the issue.

Dave started worrying about the issue and wondered if Alex was just looking for a fling for the end of the year. That couldn't be right.

He looked ready to fuck Christian that day.

'Did he not want to fuck me?' Dave thought sadly.

"Why did you go sad all of a sudden?" Jordon asks his friend.

Dave doesn't answer until they are in the locker room, alone. This was always the routine, Dave and Jordon will always be here before anybody.

Dave takes off his shirt and begins to speak, "We were full on making out yesterday and-"

"I can see." Jordan laughs as he points out the red hickeys that litter his best friend's chest.

Dave quickly throws on his football jersey and scowls, "Anyways we were making out and when I pulled the button on his pants he pushed me away and told me to stop." He groans frustrated.

Jordan thinks about it for a quick second before concluding, "Instead of making scenarios in your head why don't you talk to the guy. What if it's just a dick piercing?" Jordon jokes.

"That's not funny."

Practice was horrible, they ran 100 suicides and had to practice throwing the ball which many fumbled since their limbs were tired from the suicides. The only true motivation Dave had was when he looked up at the bleachers and saw his boyfriend among others who came to watch their partners play or wait for their friends. He was sitting beside Shea reading a book, Dave assumes, from his phone.

When practice is finally over Dave sprints off the field and into the normal boy's bathroom instead of the locker room so he could meet up with Alex like he planned. When he reach he realizes he's early and strips off his clothes to shower. When he finishes he puts on a grey sweatpants and a cotton white shirt that belonged to Alex.

When he is putting everything back in his bag, the door flies open and Alex steps in with one airpod in his ear.

"Damn, I missed it." He says referring to catching Dave naked.

Alex walks up and kisses the jock, "You were horrible at training today. Horrible, but hot." He grins at his boyfriend's scowl. "You ready?"

Dave nods and pushes to grab his bag when the bathroom door swung open and a tear stricken Christian steps in. He didn't look like the usual Christian though who wore makeup all day and tight clothes to show off his curves.

His buzzed cut bleached hair was now a darker shade brunette compared to his pink hair a week ago. He wore ripped jeans and a baggy shirt with black jordans. He looked like a boy in the closet.

"Look at that you guys are still together." He frowns at the couple and goes to the sink to wash his hands.

Alex seems to focus on the petite boy and frown, "Why are you here Christian?"

"I miss you calling me Chrissy," he frowns at the hand around Dave's waist "We were suppose to be together Alex." He says calmly and it creeped the shit out of Dave how his bubbly personality looked disdain.

Dave clears his throat and pushes his bag unto his shoulders, "Why are you dressed like that?"

"Like what, you?" He smiles sarcastically at the brunette.

Dave nods and looks at Alex who seems totally in control of this situation. 'Did something happen between the two? Was that why he was late today?'

Christian walks up to the tall couple and cocks his head, "I heard a bunch of male cheerleaders gushing about how Alex loved boys who were more feminine and I thought well, I have a chance. I did catch his attention but you," he points at the football player with anger ridden eyes "When he saw you he completely forgot about me. He even blocked me!" He cried out and Dave flinches at his dramatics.

"That's no reason to dress like me. How are you gonna get the height?" Dave says smugly.

Alex looks down at his ex-almost hookup and rolls his eyes, "Are you here to be reminded of our futile nostalgia because I am very busy." He scowls.

"Just tell me what I have to do so you will leave this poor boy alone!" Christian screams at Alex and tears cascade against his pale cheeks.

Dave felt sorry for the guy, "I'm sorr-" The sentence doesn't leave his lips before a slap echoed through the room and stings the quarterback.

"Omg, I-Im so s-sorry I never m-meant to." He cries pathetically.

Alex is ready to grab the boy when Dave does it first. He grabs him by his collar and throws the light human into a bathroom stall.

The boy groans in pain and Dave stalks to him but Alex stops him with a tug by his waist, forcing him out the stall.

"If you come near us again I will ruin your life." Alex threatens and pulls his boy out the door and into parking lot B.

When they sit in the car Alex waits a moment before he starts it.

He pulls his boyfriend by his shoulder and stares into his eyes, "Are you ok baby?" He frowns.

Dave nods, "Yeah don't worry, he hits like a child. I just don't like being disrespected."

Alex sighs and kisses his boyfriend full on the lips. He grips the back of his neck and pushes his tongue inside his mouth. Unlike other days, Dave doesn't fight for dominance, he just gives it up because he was falling for this guy.

"As long as I am here I will never let that happen again." He whispers against his lips and Dave nods eagerly to kiss the boy again but it doesn't come.

"I want you to meet my parents."

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