Chapter 2

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Jeremys' P.O.V.

I heard screams and sickening thumps coming from the other side of the door. "SOMEONE PLEASE SAVE US!!" I heard Matt scream, terrified. Why was Hope taking so long?! "They can't" I heard a deep voice say. Blood seeped from underneath the door. One by one the voices ceased. Then a collective scream from behind me. "FOXY BIT A KID!" Hope yells as she runs down the hall. I hope that whatever is killing my friends and siblings didn't hear. No such luck. I heard footsteps coming towards the door, I froze, but Hope grabbed my hand and pulled me along with her down the hall.

"Oh thank goodness we were getting worried." My mom sighs in relief. Then as she waits for everyone else, her face registers the panic that was on our faces. "Wait a minute, where is everyone else?" We burst out in tears. "The man in the Golden Freddy suit is killing them!!!" Her face simply registered blind panic as she forced us to show her where, our dad following closely behind. When we reach the door she bangs on it surprisingly loud. "OPEN THE DOOR NOW!" She screamed. We stare at her in shock. I've never heard my mother yell in my life. The door opens, but with no-one behind it. The five kids inside, my brothers and three friends, are covered in blood. "Oh dear mercy," she gasped. "John call the police, AND GET JEREMY AND HOPE OUT OF HERE!!" She exclaims as she runs over to them. My dad, shocked, grabbed us and ran out to the managers office, "Excuse me but-" "Yes, yes we realise the fox bit the kid but we have it under control" He cuts off my dad. "It's not that," my dad said panicked, "There are 5 dead kids in the back and the murderer is gone." The manger jumped up "WHAT?!?!" He ran to the back. We went home later, after talking to the police. There were no traces of anyone but the kids even being there.

After that the months dragged on. The funerals passed, and my mother became depressed. One day we found her in the closet. Hanged. She left a note saying: I'm so sorry but I just can't do this anymore. Take care of them. I love you all. My dad was alright the first little while after her funeral. Then Hope ran away. He began to drink away the pain. Only one of his 4 kids left, his wife dead, I didn't blame him. But the drinking didn't take away the rage.

"YOU LITTLE CRAP. NEVER SHOW YOUR FACE TO ME AGAIN!" He would yell, punching me and throwing things like glass bottles and plates, but if those werent around, he'd find something else, he wasnt picky. Then he would beat me some more, before finally passing out on the couch. I would cry and run to my room. As the years passed I became used to it. I also became depressed from all the hurtful things he would say. (A/Nitalicsmeanhisthoughts)He's right. I am useless. I am a waste of space. I am a sorry excuse for a human being. My mother died because of ME. Hope ran away because of ME. My family is destroyed because of ME. I became suicidal. I cut all up and down my arm. I never showed anyone, not that they cared. I had no friends.

Until I turned 20. I decided I was going to get a job. Maybe finally move away from my father, far away enough that he would never find me, and then maybe I could start putting my life back together. However the only job available in town was at the one place I never wanted to enter again. Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria.

I HAVE DONE IT. NOW THE FLASHBACK IS OVER. (IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW UP TO NOW WAS A FLASHBACK.) *runs around in circles with hands in the air* I REWROTE IT AFTER I LOST IT YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! GOLDEN FREDDY I HAVE DEFEATED YOU. Anyways I'll try to post more. Maybe i'll get some views. :/. ♥♥♥♥ you future readers!!!

A Jeremike Romance {completed} (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now