chapter 11!

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Sooooo not sure how this happened. I almost have like 400 views on this crappy story. Thank you all so much! There are much better stories out there but thank you, dear readers, for reading mine.
I ♥ you all!

Verity's P.O.V
I awoke on a cold floor, my grey tank-top felt sticky and wet. My mind immediately went to how it was my only shirt. Dangit. Then I felt a roaring pain in my shoulders, I tried to look over to them to find my neck throbbing, then everything came back. My shoulders, my hands, the camera, the cut on my neck, and.. the person who did this to me. I couldn't help myself, I started shaking uncontrollably. My bonds were still there. How long was I out? I tried looking around again, the room was still lit. It was empty of everything except for a table and the chair that sat beside me. That's right, I fell off. Wait a minute, that table still had the camera on it, and I don't remember what Purple Guy said before he turned it off, I know I heard it... I racked my brain. Nothing. My neck still felt sore, but there was some sort of bandage on it. Did He put it on? My shoulders were bruised and swollen, twisted still at an unnatural angle. I could see my hands, they were swollen and bleeding, I broke them, was that a bone sticking out of my left thumb? I sat up as best as I could, good thing my balance is fantastic. I stood up, my shoulders screamed, complaining at the movement. I decided that even though it would hurt, I needed to fix my shoulders, just do it fast. I swung my arms around to my back as fast as I could, biting my tougne till it bled. I heard the 'pop' sound, indicating my shoulders were back in their sockets. I was easily able to remove my bonds now, why couldn't I before? Once they were off I turned my attention to my hands, okay that wasn't a bone, just a peice of my bandages on my wrists, covering the scars that would never heal. I cracked my knuckles and everything returned to normal. (Btw thats not how it works, i just wanted to speed this along) I took a huge stretch, ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. That hurt. Big mistake. Ow. Okay I felt better. I turned towards the door. Was purple guy wanting me to escape? Surely he was watching. I ripped off that stupid bandage on my neck. The camera was still there. I picked it up, it was paused on me, oh man did I look that bad? Poor Mike and Jeremy. They probably feel awful. Or will. I wonder if that was live. I recorded a simple message on the 'live transmission' setting. "I am alive. I'm okay, Im gonna get out of here then find you." I put it on repeat, they would see it. Hopefully.

Vincent's P.O.V.
The girl has figured out the camera. Cute. She even fixed herself up, that must've hurt. This one's a fighter. I still had to find out how she knew me, oh, she was recording a message for Miserable Mike and Jittery Jeremy. Perfect. Too bad they would find her dying in their very home later on.
I entered the room.

Verity's P.O.V.
Purple Guy came In the room when I finished the message. I backed away to the far wall. Putting the camera on the table. His lifeless white eyes seemed to stare into my soul. He asked me one question with his deep, dark voice.
"How do you know who I am"
I stared right back. Keeping my mouth clenched shut. He took everything away from me. So I was not giving him the one thing I had left.
"Not going to talk hmm?"
He took a step closer. I shuffled along the wall closer to the door. "Why should I tell you? Why do you want to know?" I asked hesitantly. My basic human instincts told me that there was no way I was getting out alive.
"Simply curiosity. You knew me on site. Have we met before?"
I stared at his hands, they were empty. However I don't think he needs a knife to hurt me. "I don't believe so."
"Perhaps you heard about me on the news?"
"Perhaps." No way I was letting him know about the games, they told about the murders, and I have a feeling he didn't like witnesses. Of course, he wouldn't let me go anyways. He took another step closer, I took another away.
Of course they didn't show pictures."
"There was a fantastic description. Of a man with long dark purple hair, purple skin, purple clothes, white eyes and blindingly white teeth. It resembles you a lot no?"
"So thats where you know me from."
I tried to look angry and frustrated, like he just guessed my secret. It worked I think, he began laughing.
"Don't look angry child, you just aren't as smart as me. No one is." I gave him a 'you wanna fight' look. Luckily he bought it. He came to my side of the room in 2 long strides, grabbed neck and slammed me against the wall. It knocked the wind out of me and my shoulders screamed complaints. I couldn't breathe. I tried prying his hand away from my throat but it was like solid concrete. He brought a knife out of his back pocket and I felt a sharp sting in my stomach. The pain dulled as my vision began to fade. My eyes closed, and I felt no more.

Jeremy's P.O.V

Was Verity really okay? She looked more or less fine In the quick video she sent us, but that could've been fake. Mike had red eyes and blotchy cheeks. He was crying too. We both were. I gave him a hug and he returned it. It was warm and tight. It wasn't a weird hug or anything. It felt comforting to both of us I think. Suddenly I heard a crash in one of the back windows. A robber? Mike and I ran to the back, his room, to find Verity on the bed, with a huge pool of blood around her.

Dun dun dunnnnnnnn!! Them cliffhangers tho.. btw check out my other story, Its an ask us and stuff sort of one. I spent a lot of time on it too. Anyways thanks again for almost 400 views! It means a lot! I ♥ you all!

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