Getting Jeremy Back Pt. 2

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Last time: "your sister was a little more... composed." That voice, that voice I would know anywhere. The purple guy- no, Vincent! The one who killed my siblings and tortured my long-lost sister. I began trembling, this was not going to end well.

Verity's P.O.V.

We finally arrived the the restaurant and I almost flew out the window to the employees entrance, da*n. Locked. There was a small window into the bathroom, I called Mike over. "Mike boost me up and I can unlock the front entrance!" I yell over to him, he nods quickly and holds his hands out for me to step on, I almost stumble but quickly grab the ledge. Okay Verity, imagine it's a branch in a tree. I quickly pulled myself over the edge and tumbled into the bathroom, and notice a pair of glowing lights... crap, with the trouble of Jeremy I forgot the animatronic's would be active. It's probably Freddy, so I ran around the surprised animatronic and sprinted to the front before his facial scanners would notice i'm not one of them. Mike waited impatiently at the front and I quickly pushed the door and pulled him in, making him stumble a bit before regaining his balance. We both ran to the back, dodging animatronics left and right, before finally reaching the back, and it was locked. I noticed this from the back and just picked up the pace, "Uh, Verity? What are you- VERITY!" Mike slowed behind me, unsure, as I neared the door I dug my feet into the floor, moving my legs faster, full speed ahead, and jumped, stretching my leg, and slamming my shoulder into the door with a loud BOOM. It flew open inwardly, thank God the door hinges were rusty and old. I landed in a roll and in my peripheral vision Mike burst in after me. No animatronics were in the room, surprisingly, but there was two people in there. Jeremy in a chair, and Purple Guy holding a gun. Wait. PURPLE GUY HOLDING A GUN. It was pointed at the floor, but quickly moved up toward Jeremy, my feet made the decision before my head could comprehend what was happening. I tackled Purple guy, and the gun pressed against my chest. I tried to get it out of his grip, but the mans grip was of steel, and his grin was insane. Mike went to untie Jeremy and began to carry the unconscious boy out, stopping to look at me uncertainly. "GO!" I yelled, turning my attention back to the Purple man who now had the gun against my heart. I grabbed the knife out of my boot and had no hesitation burying it in his chest. His expression of shock distracted me enough to not notice the BOOM.


A huge pain entered my chest like a spike-covered sledge hammer that was lit on fire slammed into me at full force, knocking me back. I weakly looked down and there was a spring of blood spurting out of my chest. I groaned and turned my head to the side, purple guy was coughing up blood and laughing insanely at the same time, this guy is messed up. Then he slowly quieted, and his breathing stopped. The guy drowned in his down blood. I turned my attention to the animatronics in the doorway, observing his body, they looked over at me, and all at once said "Thank you." Even the Marionette. Then they left, leaving Mike and Jeremy at the door. "VERITY NO WHAT HAPPENED?!" Jeremy yelled, running over, "What does it *cough* look like *hack* genius? I got.." I had to take a moment, my lungs felt too small to hold any more air than a shallow gasp. "Shot." I smiled a little and weakly held my bloody hand to caress his soft face, leaving a blood trail. He grabbed it, "I'm so sorry... brother." I got out, and dropped my hand. My vision was brightening, and I saw little clips everywhere, me at a party, Jeremy Mike and I eating rootbeer floats, Mom, Purple guy, me squealing like a fangirl at Mike and Jeremy's kiss, all the clips lasted for a few seconds and then I was back, watching them sob. Behind them stood my dead family, waiting for me to join them. I didn't want to, but...  there was no choice. I got out one last sentence before everything blurred completely. "I love you two. So in death, you may call me by my name, Hope." I looked at them both, my sort of parents, brothers, and best friends In the world. "Goodbye..." Then everything went white, my ears ringing.

Mike's P.O.V.

"Verity? H-Hope? HOPE?!" I yelled, sobbing and shaking her shoulders, her head rolled limply from side to side, her one green eye still open, but it was a dull, dead green. Nothing like the vibrant colour I once knew. Jeremy was screaming and pounding the floor in anguish, "NO HOPE WHY? WHY DID YOU LEAVE US? WHY- WHYYYY?" He just screamed and cried and my tears blurred my vision. I yelled in pain. There was something akin to a hole in my heart without the fun, sassy, sarcastic, smart, amazing girl that would never see the sunrise again. I tried to sniff, and just got the metallic smell of blood and a big glob of snot. I sobbed and sobbed, and clung to Jeremy for support, and he clung back. Soon we both stopped and looked at her, her lips beginning to turn blue, her face pale, how were we going to survive now?

I almost cried writing this. FEELS WHY YOU DO DIS. Man I can hear the riots already... Anyways thanks for almost 2k guys! (the book is not over) I ♥ you guys!

A Jeremike Romance {completed} (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now